As suggested by University Grants Commission, Milagres College has established a Students Grievance Redressal Cell, to provide a mechanism for redressal of students’ grievances. Milagres Grievance Redressal Cell looks into the complaints lodged by the students and judges the complaint on its merit. The cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the cell members in person or may drop the grievances in writing at the suggestion box of the Grievance Cell. Grievance may also be sent through Email to the Convenor. The grievance procedure is a machinery to sort out the issues between student and college. It is a means by which a student who believe that, he / she has been treated unfairly with respect to his / her academic / administrative affairs or is convinced to be discriminated is redressed. It is a device to settle a problem. It enables to express feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college. ‘Student’s Grievance Redressal Cell’ enquires and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Matters are disclosed to only those, who have a legitimate role in resolving the matter. Emphasis on procedural fairness has been given with a view to “the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias”.
The objectives of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stake holders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institution.
- To uphold the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the college through promoting cordial student-student and student-teacher relationship etc.
- To provide a mechanism to students of the college to air out their grievances and to provide redressal for the same so that they have smooth tenure at the college from the day of admission to their graduation.
- To encourage students to express their grievances/problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
- To advise the students of the college to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
- To advise the students to refrain from inciting students against other students, teachers and college administration.
- To advise all staff to be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
- Suggestion/complaint Box is installed in front of the Student’s GrievanceRedressal Cell’ in which the students who want to remain anonymous put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the academics/administration in the college.
The cell will deal with Grievances received in writing from the students about any of the following matters:-
- Academic Matters: Related to timely issue of duplicate Mark-sheets, Transfer Certificates, Conduct Certificates or other examination related matters.
- Financial Matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from library, hostels etc.
- Other Matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, preparation of food, availability of transport, victimization by teachers etc.
- The students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing/or in the format available in the office and drop it in boxes.
- Grievance may also be sent through Email to the
- The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.
- The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.
Dr. Vincent Alva | Principal |
Prof. Sophia Dias Head of Languages | Convenor |
Dr. Jayaram Shettigar Head of Humanities | IQAC Coordinator |
Prof. Shalet Mathias Head of Commerce | Member |
Dr. Surekha Bhat, Head of Science | Member |
Dr Harinakshi M D SWC Director | Member |
Prof. Karthik Nayak SWC Director | Member |
Master Shenroy Dias | President SWC |
Miss Ananya | Secretary SWC |
Contact Person:
Smt. Sophia Dias
Assoc. Prof. and Head of Languages
Milagres College, Kallianpur
Phone: M: 9448621275