2018 – 2019
Mr Subrahmanya Joshi | Convenor |
Dr Herald Ivan Monis | Member |
2017 – 2018
Mr Subrahmanya Joshi | Convenor |
Dr Herald Ivan Monis | Member |
25 September 2017: General Body Meeting

2016 – 2017
Mr Subrahmanya Joshi | Convenor |
Dr Herald Ivan Monis | Member |
Mr Rayan Charls Mathias | Member |
23 September 2016: General Body Meeting
The General Body Meeting of the Society was held and the following were the office bearers.
1. President: Prof. Subrahmanya Joshi
2. Vice President: Mrs. Savitha K
3. Secretary: Mrs. Sudhamani
The audited report for the financial year 2015 – 2016 had been presented before the general body and was unanimously passed by the members. The society runs with a marginal profit. All the students and some of the staff members of the institution are the members of the multipurpose co – operative society.