A meeting of the IQAC was held on 24-6-2019 presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr Jayaram Shettigar welcomed the members. The following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting.

  1. Action Plan for the year 2019-2020 submitted by all the departments which was approved.
  2. Academic Calendar for the odd semester- 2019-2020 has been approved
  3. Regarding the AQAR 2018-2019: The conveners of the seven criteria are asked to arrange the inputs provided by the departments to the AQAR 2018-19.
  4. Milagres Center for Career Excellence: IQAC Coordinator informed that an MOU has been signed with National IAS Academy Bangalore. IQAC has organized many rounds of interaction with students of Milagres College as well as Milagres PU College regarding Civil Service Training Programme. Admission process has already started and there was good response form the students and the parents for Civil Service Training Programme under Milagres Center for Career Excellence.
  5. Up gradation of Science Laboratory: IQAC Coordinator proposed that idea of up grading Science Laboratory as continuation of quality enhancement programe. Since, 2017-18 Open Access System was introduce in the library and in 2018-19 Milagres Center for Career Excellence was started to train the students for Civil Service Examination and other competitive examinations. So in the year 2019-2020 it was decide to Upgrade Science Laboratory. It was decide to ask the Science Faculties to contact old students and prepare a plan to upgrade the laboratory.
  6. Scholarship to the students: Principal proposed that as a part of Quality enhancement and outreach programme more scholarship should be distributed to our students as well as to the students of neighboring PU Colleges. So it was decided to contact old students and appeal them to contribute to fund rising programme fo scholarship.


A meeting of the IQAC was held on 16th December 2019 presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr Jayaram Shettigar welcomed the members. The following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting.

  1. Approval Academic Calendar for the even semester- 2019-2020: Academic Calendar for the even semester- 2019-2020 has been approved
  2. AQAR 2018-19: IQAC Coordinator presented AQAR 2018-19 and the same has been approved.
  3. Milagres Center for Career Excellence: IQAC Coordinator Dr Jayaram Shettigar informed that Milagres Center for Career Excellence has started functioning and there was a good response from the students.
  4. Up gradation of Science Laboratory: Principal informed that the Faculties of Department of Chemistry has contacted some old students and there was a positive response from one Mr. Bhaskar Naik alumnus of BSc 1984-87 batch has responded positively and the Faculties of Department of Chemistry are working on the further course of action.
  5. Training programme for Final Degree Students: IAQC Coordinator informed that he in consultation with the Principal chalked out a plan to organize intensive Training programme to Final Degree Students to prepare them to face campus interview and for overall development of their personality. An MOU has signed with ‘EPITOME’ an NGO in this regard. One week training programme has already conducted in June2019. Rev Fr Dr Lawrence D’Souza, Correspondence of the college inaugurated the programme. Principal Dr Vincent Alva, IQAC Coordinator, Dr jayaram Shettigar, Miss Wilma from Epitome were present during the inauguration programme.
  6. Any other matter: Principal informed that there was a good response from Alumni for the call for fund raising programme for Scholarship. A total of Rs. 641044=00 was contributed by the Alumni out of which Rs 328000=00 was distributed to our college students on poverty cum merit basis and Rs201000=00 was distributed to the students of neighboring PU colleges and the beneficiaries were selected by the principal of respective PU Colleges.
  7. Mr. Sharvin F Olivera, President SWC was co-opted as the studentrepresentative in the IQAC Committee.


A meeting of the IQAC was held on 20th March 2020 at 3.00 PM on Zoom Platform, presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr Jayaram Shettigar welcomed the members. The following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting.

  1. Regarding Online Class: Due to COVID -19 educational institutions have been shut down. It was decided to conduct online classes through Zoom or other apps.
  2. Covid-19 Precaution Training:It was also decided to organize online training programme Precaution for COVID -19 both for the staff and the students.
  3. Any other matter: Principal informed that the renovation work of Scène laboratory and Installation of Solar Panel has been delayed due to lockdown.
  4. Principal also appreciated that the online meetings were conducted to the Rovers and Rangers through Zoom App.


A meeting of the IQAC was held on 8th May 2020 at 10:30 am in Humanities Staff Room, presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr Jayaram Shettigar welcomed the members. The following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting.

  1. Covid-19 Precaution: Principal instructed to all to follow Government guidelines to relate to Covid-19.
  2. Regarding Online Class: Online classes which are already started, but it was observed that many students could not join the classes due to network issues and smart phone problems.
  3. Food Kit Distribution: IQAC Coordinator informed that IQAC in association with Alumni Association of the college, and Rovers Unit of the college has distributed Three Tons of Rice to the poor and needy families of the Kelarkalabettu, Mooduthonse and Paduthonse village Panchayat who have been suffered a lot due to the COVID -19.on 2ndMay 2020. Many people of other states were also helped by the College. Mr Janardhan Thonse, Zilla Panchayat Member, Very Rev Fr Dr Lawrence C D`Souza, the Correspondent of the Milagres Education Institutions. Mr Salvadore Noronha, President Alumni Association(R) Principal Dr Vincent Alva, IQAC Coordinator Prof Sophia Dias, Secretary Alumni Association, Presidents and Members of Moodu Thonse, Padu Thonse, and Kelarkalabettu Village Panchayats were present during the programme.
  4. Organising Webinars: it was decided to organize webinars by all the departments.
  5. New convener for Criteria II of NAAC SSR: Dr Herold I Moniswho was convener for Criteria II of SSR of NAAC was transferred to St Marys College Shirva. Rev Fr Dr Anil Prakash Castalino was appointed as the New convener for Criteria II of NAAC SSR.
  6. AQAR 2019-20: It was decided to update the AQAR 2019-2020
  7. Any other matter: 1 Principal called upon the members of the staff to contribute generously to help people who are suffering due to Covid 19 situation.
  8. Principal informed that the work of renovation of Chemistry Laboratory and Installation of Solar Panel is in progress and it will be completed by end of May 2020.


The meeting of the IQAC was held on 22-6-2020 at 10:00 AM in AV Hall, presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr Jayaram Shettigar welcomed the members. The following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting.

  1. Inauguration of solar power generation unit and renovated Chemistry laboratory: Principal informed that the work of renovation of Chemistry Laboratory and Installation of Solar Panel is almost completed. It will be inaugurated on 27th June 2020 at 9:30 AM. Most Rev.Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi Diocese will be Blessing the solar power generation unit and renovated Chemistry laboratory, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Lawrence D’Souza, the Correspondent of the College, Rev.Fr. Dr. Anil Prakash Castelino, and other dignitaries will be present on the occasion.
  2. Organising Webinars: it was decided to organize webinars and Faculty Development Programme by various faculties.
  3. Covid Food Kit Distribution: Principal informed that college has distributed Three Tons of Rice to the poor and needy families and work of helping the people will be continued with the help of the staff and other generous

Any other matter: The IQAC convener, Dr Jayaram Shettigar informed that thr work the preparation of Self Study Report is going on and due to Covid 19 applying for NAAC assessment has been delayed