IQAC 2019-20
Programme: B Sc.
Course: Physics
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of different areas and its applications in basic physics like General mechanics I and II, thermal physics, properties of matter, relativity, astrophysics, waves and oscillations, optics, electricity and X ray crystallography, nuclear physics, atomic physics, condensed matter physics and electronics.
  • Students will get ability to identify and apply appropriate physical principles and the methodologies to solve problems related to physics both academically and in real life.
  • Students will understand the difference between theory and application through experiments carried out in physics laboratories.
  • Students will handle optical, electronic and electrical instruments with equipment’s like magnets, heat lamps, beakers, laser, lenses, tuning forks, microscopes, voltmeter, potentiometer, spectroscopes etc. to take measurements and compare the measured values with theoretical one to draw valid conclusions.
  • Students will design electronic circuits to measure inputs and outputs of the experiment and analyze results.
  • On the basis of different areas of interest in physics, students go for different fields such as research and development, teaching and government and public service.

  • PAPER 1(BSCPHC 131): General Physics I
    1. Incorporating mathematical physis into physical calculations such as vector calculus, symmetries and solve problems.
    2. Understanding the rotational dynamics of a body, conservation laws and demonstrating relevant experiments such as bar pendulum, fly wheel.
    3. Comprehending the basics of heat and thermodynamics including carnot engine, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, heat equation, entropy and its properties
    4. Study of low temperature physics and its application. Seminars and presentation on cryogenics.
  • PAPER 2(BSCPHC 132): General Physics II
    1. Study of properties of solid, liquid such as elasticity, viscosity, lubrication and its experimentation such as stokes law, cantilever bending etc
    2. Understanding relativity, frames of reference, M-M experiments, transformation equations, Einstein’s mass energy relation.
    3. Comprehending theory of astrophysics including structure and evolution of universe, astrophysical bodies and phenomenon.
    4. Understanding progressive waves, differential equation of wave motion, newton- Laplace equation, Fourier theorem and its limitations
  • PAPER 3(BSCPHC 133): General Physics III
    1. Understand phenomenon based on light and its related theories.
    2. Understand the application of interference and diffraction by experimentation
    3. Understand the basics of black body radiations and lasers
    4. Understanding electromagnetic Theory
  • PAPER 4 (BSCPHC 281): Electricity and x-ray crystallography
    1. Study of theory and practical analysis of DC network system and transients such as CR, LR, LCR circuits, different network theorems
    2. Understanding different aspects of alternating current such as RMS, j factor, phasor diagram, resonance circuit (series and parallel), Q factor, bandwidth; filters.
    3. Understanding different instruments used theoretical study of electric and magnetic measurements. Experimental analysis of the same.
    4. Study of production of x rays, types of X-rays, characteristics of x-rays: Mosley’s law, Bragg’s experiments, crystal system, superconductivity.
  • PAPER 5 (BSCPHC 307): Modern Physics
    1. Understanding dual nature of matter, evidence for quantum mechanics, uncertainty principle, D-G experiment, wave function and Schrodinger equation, time independent equation.
    2. Study of quantum mechanics including eigenfunction, normalisation, particle in a box, degeneracy.
    3. Understanding atomic models, L-S and JJ coupling, Pauli exclusion principle, S-G experiment, Zeeman effect, Bohr magneton
    4. Comprehending molecular spectra and scattering including rotational, vibrational, spectra, Rayleigh scattering, Raman scattering laser-Raman spectroscopy.
  • PAPER 6 (BSCPHC 308): Condensed Matter Physics.
    1. Understand basics of statistical physics, free electron theory, hall effect, BJT and FET
    2. Understanding and ability to analyse the characteristics of transistor and transistor biasing circuits
    3. Understand the applications of diode and transistor by experimentation
    4. Understand the properties of semiconductors, the relationship between semiconductor devices and its applications
  • PAPER 7 (BSCPHC 353): Nuclear Physics
    1. Understanding radioactivity, radioactive equilibrium alpha and beta decay, neutrinos
    2. Comprehending nuclear structure and models, empirical mass formula, dempster’s mass formula, shell model etc
    3. Studying nuclear fission, fusion, nuclear reactors, four factor formula, India’s nuclear program
    4. Understand particle accelerators and detectors, particle physics and cosmic rays through seminars and demonstrations
  • Paper 8 (BSCPHC 354): Electronics
    1. The basics of open OP-AMP, regulated power supply, oscillators, digital electronics communication electronics
    2. Understand the theory of feedback network and phase shift oscillator
    3. Understand logic gates, rectifier, inverting non inverting OP-AMP, CE amplifier, Wein bridge oscillator through experimentation
    4. Understand the working of CRO, flip flops, binary counters and filters

Programme: B Sc.

  • The students will understand the existence of matter in the universe as solids, liquids, and gases which are composed of molecules, atoms and sub atomic particles.
  • Students will learn to estimate inorganic salt mixtures and organic compounds both qualitatively and quantitatively using the classical methods of analysis in practical classes.
  • Students will grasp the mechanisms of different types of reactions both organic and inorganic and will try to predict the products of unknown reactions. Students will learn to understand of safe handling of chemicals, hazards of chemicals, environmental issues and day today life issues facing our society in health and medicine.
  • Students will be able to plan orderly as they practice through scientific experiments, analyze the results or outcome and finally accurately record experiments.
  • Students will learn to solve problems through critical thinking, reasoning and analysis and communicate the results to society through scientific work in oral, written or through other means of communication. Students will be able to explain why chemistry is an integral activity for addressing social, economic, and environmental problems.
  • Students will explore to new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology (Medicine, Biology, Biochemistry, Polymer Science, Petroleum Industry, agriculture etc.)
  • PAPER 1(BSCCHC 134): General Chemistry Paper I
    1. Study of Solid State, Liquid State and Gaseous State: Related Laws and Applications like Law of Crystallography, Law of Symmetry, Elements of Symmetry, Study of Liquid Crystals, LCD and Thermal sensing. Maxwell’s Distribution of Molecular Velocities.
    2. Chemical Bonding: Study of Covalent Bond, Valence Bond theory and hybridization. Valence Shell Electron Repulsion Theory (VSEPR) and study of structures and Molecular Orbital Diagrams of homo and nuclear species. Study of Lattice Energy, Born-Lande Equation and related Concepts.
    3. Organic Chemistry Basics: Nature of Bonding in Organic Molecules. Resonace, Aromaticity, Huckel Rule, Stabilities of Reactive intermediates. Relative Stengths of aliphatic and aromatic acids. Mechanism of Organic Reactions and study of a few name reactions like Friedel – Craft’s alkylation, Markovnikoff’s rule, Canizzaro reaction etc.
      Study of Electrophilic addition across Carbon-carbon multiple bonds.
    4. Study of Chromatography: Study of Chromatographic methods of separation and purification, methods of Analysis (Quanttative and Qualitative) and Periodic properties of Compounds.
    5. Practiclas Include Volumetric Analysis.
  • PAPER 2 (BSCHC 153): General Chemistry Paper II
    1. Study of Chemical Kinetics. Order of reactions, Transition State Theory, Thermodynamic aspects of activation.
      Surface Chemistry: adsorption of gases and solids: Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms. Multilayer adsorption-BET equation etc.
      Solvents: Physical properties of Solvents, Types of solvents, levelling effects of solvents.
    2. Study of S-Block and p-Block elements in detail.
    3. Reactions involving Intermediates: Carbocation, Carbanion, Carbene, Nitrene, Benzynes etc.
      Nucleophilic Substitution at Saturated Carbon atom (SN1 and SN2 reactions).
      Elimination Reactions (E1 and E2 Mecahanism with Saytzeff and Hoffmann rules).
      Aromatic nucleophilc and Electrophilic Substittution Reactions with examples in detail.
    4. Industrial Chemistry: Preparations of glass, Cement, Ceramics, Paints, Refractories, Cane sugar, Paper, Chemical Fertilizers, use of Fuels, Propellants etc.
    5. Practicals include systematic qualitative analysis of mono and Bifunctional organic compounds. (eg: Urea, Oxalic acid, benzoic acid, Nitrobenzene, toluene, Benzaldehyde etc.) and Study of Thin Layer Chromatography, Paper Chromatograpy and Column Chromatography.
  • PAPER 3 (BSCHC231): Chemistry Paper-III
    1. Thermodynamics: First law, Second and Third law of Thermodynamics in detail and concepts associated with them.
    2. d-and f-Block elements in detail.
      Alloy steel (L-D process, purpose of Alloying, Special steel etc.) and Nano Chemistry in detail.
    3. Study of Binary Mixtures ( Phenol-water system, Nicotine-water system, Effect of Impurities of CST of phenol-Water system, Azeotropic mixtures, Nernst Distribution Law), Acids and Bases, Oxidation and Reduction reactions (Oxidising agents, Reducing Agents, Redox-Reactions, Standard electrode potential).
      Reactions and reactivity of Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides, Structure and reactivity of Carbonyl compounds: Introduction, their reactions, Study of Important name reactions like Gattermann Reaction, Fries Rearrangement, Mannich reaction, Aryl oxy acetic acids, Claisen rearrangement.
    4. Practicals include Systematic SemimicroQulaitative analysis of Inorganic Salt mixtures
  • PAPER 4 (BSCHC 253): Chemistry Paper IV
    1. Study of Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties, Ideal and non-ideal solutions, Methods of expressing concentrations- Activity and Activity coefficients. Colligative properties; Raoult’s law of relative lowering of vapour pressure. Osmosis and laws of Osmotic pressure. Elevation in boiling point and depression in freezing point. Clauisius-Mosotti equation, orientation of dipoles in an electric field, dipole moment, measurement of dipole moment-temperature method and refractivity method, dipole moment and structure of molecules, magnetic properties-paramagnetism and diamagnetism.
      Refractometry: Introduction, Abbe’s Refractometer, applications of Refractometry.
    2. Study of Coordination Compounds: illustration with example including geometrical and optical isomers, bridging ligands. Isomerism in coordination compounds – ionization isomerism, hydrate isomerism, coordinate isomerism, linkage isomerism. Geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism , Metal–Ligand Bonding In Transitional Metal Complexes, Postulates of Valence Bond Theory (VBT), Crystal field theory-important concepts of CFT, Crystal field splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, Jahn- Teller distortion, and crystal field stabilization energy. Calculation of CFSE, weak and strong field ligands, spectrochemical series, are studied in detail.
    3. Reactive Methylene Compounds: Keto-enol tautomerism, ethyl acetoacetate and diethyl malonate, Reactions supporting keto and enol forms. Synthetic applications, Structure and Reactions of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives: Structure of carboxylic acid and carboxylate ion, Effect of substituents on the acidity of aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids (ortho effect). Reactions of carboxylic acids, with mechanism-i) Homologation-Arndt-Eistert reaction ii) Degradation to alkyl halides-Hunsdiecker reaction iii) Conversion to primary amines-Curtius reaction iv) Conversion to haloacids-HVZ reaction Derivatives of carboxylic acids- acid chlorides, amides esters, anhydrides-preparation. Reactions of acid derivatives-i) Conversion to aldehydes-Rosenmund’s reduction.
    4. Chemical Equilibrium: 4Hours Derivation of relationship between equilibrium constant and free energy ΔGo=-RTInKp. Thermodynamic derivation of law of mass action. Le Chatelier’s principle-statement and applications. van’t Hoff’s reaction Isotherm and reaction isochore (van’t Hoff equation, Phase Equilibrium, Phase rule-Statement (mathematical expression) etc. are studied in detail.
    5. Practicals include the study of Density Determination, Surface Tension Determination,Molecular Weight determination and Study of Impurtity on Phenol-Water System.
  • PAPER 6 (BSCHC 308): Chemistry Paper VI.
    1. Elementary Quantum Mechanics and Raman Spectroscopy
    2. Electronic Spectra of Transitional Metal Complexes, Falme Photometry and Thermo analytical Methods are studied in detail.
    3. Bioinorganic Chemistry and importance of ions, Organo metallic Compounds
    4. Heterocyclic Compounds-Introduction, Nomenclature, Molecular Orbital Theory, reactivity, prominence are studied.
    5. In Practicals Gravimetric estimation Concepts, Verification of Beer-Lambert’s Law, Stereochemistry of Compounds are studied.
  • PAPER 7 (BSCHC 357): Chemistry Paper-VII
    1. Inorganic Polymers, Composites and Synthetic Polymers, Mechanism of Polymerization are studied.
    2. PhotoChemistry, Radiation and Nuclear Chemistry are studied.
    3. Introduction to Carbohydrates, Amino acids, peptides and Poteins
    4. Structures, Reactions of Carboxulic acids. Study of afew name reactions and introduction of Alkaloids.
  • PAPER 8 (BSCHC 358): Chemistry Paper-VIII
    1. Introduction of Colorimetry and Spectrometry-Principles, Ultraviolet (UV) absorption Spectroscopy.
    2. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy- Study in Detail. Photoelectron Spectroscopy
    3. Mass Spectroscopy introduction and study in detail; Petroleum and Petrochemicals
    4. Introduction to Terpenes, Srugs and Chemotherapeutic agents, Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides are studied with example, Their Synthesis and mode of Action.
      Practicals (BSCCHC 353): Practicals include Organic Preparations, Instrumental Methods to determine Strength of acids, Redox potential, equivalence conductance etc. Preparations of Complexes are done.

Programme: B Sc.

Course: Mathematics
  • To improve the perspective of students on mathematics as per modern requirement.
  • To develop a spirit of inquiry and scientific temper in the student.
  • To initiate students to enjoy mathematics, pose and solve meaningful problems, use abstraction to perceive relationships and structure, and understand the basic structure of mathematics.
  • To make the learning process student-friendly.
  • To foster experimental, problem-oriented, and discovery learning of mathematics.
  • To orient students towards relating mathematics applications.
  • To exploit the techno-savvy nature of students to overcome math-phobia.
  • To improve retention of mathematical concepts in the student.
  • To provide scope for greater involvement of both the mind and the hand.
  • To help the student build interest and confidence in learning the subject.
I SEMESTER outcome
Paper name and Code: Calculus and Analytical Geometry / BSCMTC131
  • Students get logical, useful, appealing methods of calculus and also develop a mathematical way of thinking.
  • From the exercises and examples, students develop the concepts and understand the theory.
  • Students get the opportunity to develop skills in using methods of calculus and deepen their understanding of its application.
Paper name and Code: Number Theory and Calculus / BSCMTC181
  • Students get greater exposure to the syllabus through open elective.
  • Students improve perspective of Mathematics as per modern requirement.
  • Students learn to enjoy Mathematics, pose and solve meaningful problems.
Paper name and Code: Sequence, Series and Differential Equations / BSCMTC231
  • Students learn to understand Mathematical Analysis with examples.
  • Most real-life problems can be converted to Mathematical problems using Mathematical models such as differential equations and Laplace transforms and solve them, thereby obtaining solutions to real-life problems. This develops a spirit of inquiry and scientific temper in the students.
Paper name and Code: Algebra and complex analysis / BSCMTC281
  • Students learn to use algebra to perceive relationships and structure to understand the basic structure of Mathematics.
  • Learning process is student-friendly.
  • Students improve their perspective on Mathematics as per modern requirements.
V SEMESTER outcome
Paper name and Code: Algebra and Laplace transforms / BSCMTC331
  • Students orient more towards relating Mathematical applications.
  • Students are provided greater involvement of mind.
Paper name and Code: Graph theory / BSCMTC332 or Discrete Mathematics BSCMTC333
  • Students improve retention of Mathematical concepts.
  • Students develop interest and confidence in learning subjects.
  • Practicals enable teachers to demonstrate, explain, and reinforce abstract Mathematical ideas by using concrete objects, models, charts, graphs, pictures, and posters with the help of FOSS.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A)

The following are the learning outcomes that we would like to see each History student graduate with:

  • History is not mere study of past deeds of kings and emperors. It now emphasizes the economy and culture of the people in the past.
  • The course we teach for undergraduate students gives them a more complete sense of past histories.
  • They will be able to know their glorious past and form a logical connection between the present and the past.
  • Students will understand the institutional landscape of public history, including a familiarity with the governance structures and funding support for non-profits and the federal sector.
  • The History Department Faculty has identified the specific objectives of its undergraduate curriculum.
  • We are continuously and actively assessing students' ability to demonstrate thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating historical information from multiple sources.
  • Students will develop the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction while understanding that there is no one historical truth.
  • Students will develop an informed familiarity with multiple cultures.
  • Students will employ a full range of techniques and methods used to gain historical knowledge.
  • Students will demonstrate their understanding of cause and effect along with their knowledge of the general chronology of human experience.
  • Students will acquire knowledge of particular historical contexts, analyze historical sources, and understand how historians interpret the past.
  • Students will develop historian’s skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and critical inquiry.
  • Students are introduced to geographic, regional, or national histories that emphasize broad processes, themes, and developments.

Students will understand fundamental concepts of Microeconomics.

  • Students will be able to analyze consumer behavior and consumer decisions.
  • Students will understand product and factor price determination in the market.
  • Ability to identify alternative solutions to problems.
  • Students learn to apply economic theories and concepts to real-life situations.
  • Students understand the economic behavior of individuals, firms, and markets, demand analysis, production theory, and behavior of costs.
  • Students will be able to understand the production and cost structure under different stages of production.
  • Students will understand pricing and output decisions under various market structures.
  • Students will understand the overall structure of the economy in theoretical and contemporary perspectives.
  • Ability to analyze the functional relationships between aggregates.
  • Provides a theoretical foundation of some advanced issues and policies.
  • Ability to apply the principles of macroeconomics in explaining the behavior of macroeconomic variables.
  • Analyze the reasons for economic fluctuations in an economy.
  • Understand how the price level or value of money is determined.
  • Ability to analyze the tool of Index number in measuring Price level.
  • Generate theoretical and applied understanding of monetary economics.
  • Describe the process of credit creation of a commercial bank.
  • Understand the balance sheet of a commercial bank.
  • Ability to understand the functioning of commercial banks and of the central bank in a nation.
  • Understands the role of monetary policy of the central bank in maintaining economic stability.
  • Provide theoretical and practical background to the students on the subject of international trade.
  • Understand the reason for international trade and gains from it.
  • Ability to analyze the policy measures by the government to restrict international trade.
  • Understand about different aspects of Governmental activities and their rationality.
  • Learn about the fundamental concepts of public economics, public expenditure, public revenue, and public debt with special reference to the Indian economy.
  • Learn about the tax structure, policy, and regulations.
  • Helps to understand the historical developments in economic thoughts propounded by different schools.
  • Able to make a critical comparison of the contributions of the main schools of economics: the classical, the neo-classical, the marginal, etc.
  • Understand specific contributions of economists of different schools.
  • Learn the similarities and differences among different economic schools.
  • Knowledge about the contributions of Indian economists to economics.
  • Understand the basic difference between economic development and economic growth.
  • Analyze the problems faced by UDCs in achieving economic development.
  • Understand the role of capital, state, technology, and entrepreneurs in economic development.
  • Provides a fundamental foundation of basic growth and development issues, approaches, and models.
  • The students will be enabled to know theories of growth and development.
  • The paper attempts to discuss the structure and change in variables. It helps understand the overall static and dynamic perspectives of the economy in a purely theoretical perspective.
  • Students will familiarize with basic statistical techniques.
  • Ability to use various statistical techniques in calculating economic variables.
  • Demonstrate the ability to collect, process, and interpret data, including statistical inference.
  • Be able to use critical thinking skills within the discipline of economics about economic matters.
  • Quantitative reasoning skills, problem-solving skills, specialized knowledge, and application of skills.
  • Students will familiarize with basic statistical techniques.
  • Understand the nature, characteristics and problems of the Indian economy.
  • Understand various issues related to the Indian economy.
  • Provide basic knowledge on national income accounting, various issues involved in agricultural, industrial, financial, trade sectors, public institutions and finally human resources development.
  • Understand the changing trends in the Indian economy.
  • Understand various issues related to population in India.
  • Acquire elementary knowledge of mathematical techniques in Economics.
  • Develop mathematical approach in the analysis of economic problems.
  • Learn about those mathematical techniques which are directly useful in economic analysis.
  • Able to apply mathematical techniques in economics.
IIIB.A: VI SEMESTER Environmental Economics(optional)
  • Understanding of the discipline of environmental economics.
  • Understand and evaluate the global scale of environmental problems.
  • Understand one's roles, responsibilities in protecting the environment.
  • To manage solid wastes and methods of recycling.
  • Understand the linkage between Natural Environment and Human Economy and environmental Degradation and Economic Development.
  • To become familiar with contemporary Environmental Problems.
  • Optional English is a study of literature.
  • Literature deals with life’s story, experience, or imagination of the writer. Reading literature develops the readers’ critical and creative thinking skills.
  • Under Optional English, students study the major authors, works, genres, eras, and literary movements of western and world traditions.
  • It will help the students to develop a unique voice.
  • They can express their views clearly in speaking and writing and become an articulate interpreter and contributor to the culture.
  • Studying Optional English broadens their knowledge.
  • They can develop their writing skills.
  • They can gain the ability to read, analyse, and interpret complex texts too.
  • Students read various kinds of literary works and gather information on various cultures.
  • It leads the students to understand them in a realistic way.
  • Provides career opportunities for the students in various government and private sectors.
  • To pursue their career in various fields like HR.
  • To join for Higher MSW with Sociology background.
  • Apart from career advancement, students were exposed to practical situations of life through the curriculum.
  • They have been able to gain knowledge on social legislations, women empowerment, gender sensitivity, human rights, rights of children, family and marriage, juvenile delinquency, etc.
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Business Statistics and Mathematics:
  • The course Business Statistics and Mathematics will introduce students to basic statistical methods with a focus on the application of these methods to the business world.
  • The students will obtain the ability to interpret statistical analysis tools commonly used in the workplace.
  • They will also obtain the ability to solve financial problems involving simple and compound interest, present and future value of money, trade discount and cash discount.
Financial Accounting
  • The paper on Accountancy prepares the students for a profession in the field of accounting.
  • Knowledge of sophisticated financial accounting topics such as business combinations, governmental accounting, partnership accounting and other advanced financial accounting topics (e.g., accounting for: leases, deferred income taxes, pensions, investments, long-term liabilities and earnings per share).
  • Knowledge of International Accounting Principles and the impact of global issues.
  • Ability to evaluate financial results through examination of relevant data (i.e., income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and budgets).
  • Ability to prepare a federal individual tax return.
  • Ability to use current technology (e.g., spreadsheet programs, general ledger software, enterprise resource planning and reporting languages).
  • Knowledge of auditing principles and techniques.
  • Financial Accounting course outcome: Knowledge of the role of the accounting profession in society, experience in community service and participation in the accounting society.
  • Ability to work as a team member recognizing benefits of collaborative behaviors in the accomplishment of group tasks.
  • Ability to understand ethical dilemmas that occur in accounting.
  • Effective communication skills including the ability to conceptualize complex issues into a coherent written statement and the ability to make effective formal and informal oral presentations.
Cost & Management Accounting
  • The paper Cost & Management accounting will enable the students to identify, use and interpret the results of costing methods and techniques appropriate to different activities and decisions, formulate and use standards and budgets for planning and control purposes.
Business Taxation
  • The papers on direct (income tax) and indirect taxation (GST and customs duty) prepare them for a career in the field of taxation.
Human Resource Management
  • Contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of employee recruitment, selection, and retention plans and processes.
  • Administer and contribute to the design and evaluation of the performance management program.
Business Economics
  • Provide students an insight to advanced concepts of business economics.
  • Help students understand various business economics tools for solving business problems in the changing business environment.
  • Enable students to integrate micro and macroeconomic analysis into business decision/ or decision making power.
  • Business economics is the application of economic principles and methods to business decision making.
  • Business economists play an important role in the firms.
Financial Management
  • The course builds on the concepts and skills taught in Finance Theory II.
  • Financial Management focuses on capital markets and corporate finance with course topics like risk and return, firm valuation and financing policy.
  • Learning materials include class notes, readings, assignments, and past exams.
Business Law
  • The paper on Business Law, prepares the students to understand the legal environment of business and apply basic legal knowledge to business transactions.
  • Use auditing concepts and variables (e.g., client acceptance, risk assessment, materiality, understanding and testing of internal controls, analytical procedures, substantive audit testing, documentation of evidence, and completing an audit engagement) to make audit planning, testing, and evaluation decisions.
C Programming
  • This course teaches the basics of programming.
  • The course is the core programming language, and the students, by learning this course, can use it to develop some further applications.
Computer Organization and Architecture
  • This course gives the internal architecture of the computer.
  • The storage and transfer of data, its configurations are studied.
  • The students learn about various flip-flops and gates used in the architecture of the computer.
Fundamentals of IT
  • This is a course that gives the details of the various hardware.
  • The hardware, storage and other internals within the computer are taught.
  • The different input and output devices used by the computer will be known by the students.
  • This gives them an idea of the system configuration and other hardware.
C++ Programming
  • This course teaches object-oriented programming.
  • This is the successor of the C language. Students learn to create classes and objects, and use them in programming.
  • They also get the knowledge of code reuse using the concepts of functions, classes, and inheritance.
Database Management Systems
  • The subject teaches the ways the data can be stored and used.
  • The students learn the concept of storage of data in the tables, in a structured format.
  • The course helps the students to use the backend with the applications.
Basics of Networking
  • The different transmission media used for transmitting the data, in Local Area Networks, and Wide Area Networks are taught, along with the different types of networks.
  • The hardware components used in the networks, as well as different data transmission rates, are learnt.
Data Structures
  • Data within the computer is stored in various ways like – linked lists, arrays, indexes, etc. This subject teaches the students on these concepts.
  • Before natural language was introduced in programming, the programs were written using commands, and microprocessor programming gives the knowledge of using the Assembly Level Programming.
  • This was used in design of Microprocessor chips, and thus, students can get into a company that produces microprocessor chips.
Operating System
  • It explains about how the system handles each process internally.
  • It tells about how to load and save files and also gives a clear idea about memory management inside the system.
  • This covers the working procedure of different operating systems like MS Windows, Linux etc.
Data Mining
  • Students can have detailed information about how the data is stored in the system.
  • This is an event-driven programming language and can be used to build offline applications.
  • This is based on the GUI concept and can be used to build simple as well as complex programs.
Computer Graphics
  • This is used to generate images based on programming languages like C and C++.
  • It helps in developing static and dynamic images.
  • This subject is oriented on how data and information is passed between the system in a network environment.
  • Detailed idea about internet protocols and layers of operating systems can be acquired.
  • The subject gives an idea of how trading is done online, and what are the different aspects required and used for the same.
  • An extended version of programming language based on .NET framework.
  • Active Server Pages can be created and online programs can be developed easily by using VB or C# languages.
Java Programming
  • Full-fledged Object Oriented Programming language that allows in developing programs either online or offline.
  • Easy to understand and modify.
Distributed Computing
  • It focuses on remote method invocation and networking concepts.
  • It also emphasizes on data handling through Java.
  • A clear idea about handling files in remote systems can be acquired.
Software Engineering
  • It deals with different methods of developing software and testing software.
  • It provides an elaborated view of how to handle software problems and maintenance of software.
Linux Environment
  • The subject gives a glimpse of Unix as well as Linux operating systems.
  • The working, architecture, as well as the commands used in the operating systems will be known by the students, helping them to work in Unix-based environments.
LAMP Technology
  • The subject gives information about Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
  • These in combination give a good opportunity for students to grab jobs in industries.
  • Using all the concepts studied during the entire program of 3 years of BCA, the students develop applications – online as well as offline.
  • The students can also develop mobile applications. This prepares them for the industry, to develop projects.
  • The importance of learning Kannada language is very high.
  • To begin with, it is the official language of Karnataka state.
  • Most of the students speak Kannada as their mother tongue.
  • Accordingly, the students can acquire the knowledge through Kannada in a better way through reading in Kannada.
  • We also teach the Old, Medieval and Modern Kannada versions to them in accordance with the syllabus of Mangalore University.
  • As a result, the students are motivated to study Kannada language with due respect and all the seriousness.
  • Kannada language also helps the students to understand the other languages in a better way.
  • English language is the most commonly spoken language in the world. It is the language of International businesses. English language plays an important role in everyone’s life as it is spoken all around the globe. Mangalore University has prescribed various text books for BA, B.Com, BBA, BCA and B.Sc. Apart from the text books students need to learn Grammar and Communicative English.
Following are the course outcomes:
  • Students will improve their reading and writing skills.
  • Students will improve their speaking ability in English in terms of fluency and comprehensibility.
  • Students will enlarge their vocabulary.
  • Students can strengthen their ability to write academic papers, essays and present papers in seminar or workshops.
  • Through fluent English, students can face interviews without any difficulties.
  • Fluency in English develops students’ confidence level.
  • The students, at the end of the course, develop an ability to read, write and communicate in Hindi with confidence.
  • Students will gain knowledge about Hindi Literature and Hindi poets and writers. Students will develop the skill of writing personal, business and official letters.
  • They learn Translation and its importance. Students will understand the meaning, concept, importance and various forms of Functional Hindi.
  • They learn and develop the skill of preparing banners, invitations, pamphlets and advertisements.
  • Students gain confidence for further studies or in professional spheres where Hindi is an indispensable tool of communication.
  • Help students understand the conceptual & strategic framework of management.
  • Provide students an insight into advanced concepts of business economics.
  • Help students understand various business economics tools for solving business problems in the changing business environment.
  • Enable students to integrate micro and macroeconomic analysis into business decision-making.
  • Business economics is the application of economic principles and methods to business decision-making. Business economists play an important role in firms.
  • To appraise the value of innovation.
  • To impart skills of innovation.
  • Enable students to think and act on innovation.
  • Enable the students to acquire knowledge on quantitative analysis and use statistical techniques for analysis of business data.
  • Provide an understanding of Management Science techniques used for managerial decision-making.
  • Understand and apply financial accounting tools and techniques for managerial decision-making.
  • Provide students with knowledge about contemporary issues in accounting.
  • Enable students to develop insights into financial analysis of business organizations.
  • Enhance the personal and professional effectiveness of students by exposing them to the art and science of self-awareness and development.
  • Provide an introduction to entrepreneurship and its development process, environment, and current scenario in India.
  • Make students aware of the importance of entrepreneurship opportunities available and challenges faced in society.
  • Familiarize students with the advanced concepts and issues of strategic marketing and enable them to analyze the market environment and develop international marketing strategies for a business firm.
  • Identify the importance and philosophies in Marketing Management.
  • Understand market-driven strategies.
  • Enumerate the fundamentals of the Indian economy, business, industry, and commerce.
  • Study the present status of business, industry, and commerce in India.
  • Provide a glimpse of future challenges.
  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills related to the conduct of business research and familiarize them with the technicalities of executing a research assignment.
  • Familiarize students with the functions and practice of international business.
  • Enable them to get a global perspective on issues related to FDI, forex markets, and globalization.
  • Provide students with in-depth knowledge of advanced approaches to cost accounting to enable them to apply costing methods and techniques for management decision-making.
  • Provide students with knowledge of various avenues of savings and investment for individuals.
CMH 502: Artificial and Business Intelligence
  • In the business world, competition is the main factor, and intelligence is a prerequisite for understanding and meeting competition.
  • AI and BI are essential learning and analytical concepts that will help students enhance their intelligence and pursue careers in these fields.
  • Equip students with knowledge of ethical issues, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices in business.
CMH504: E-Commerce
  • Understand the nature of e-commerce business and its various dimensions.
  • Identify various strategies and advanced concepts of web-based commerce.
  • Understand the importance and role of E-Commerce and M-Commerce in the business environment.
  • Provide insights into e-commerce models.
CMS 505: Advanced IFRS and Practice
  • Familiarize students with the recent developments in international accounting standards and various financial reporting practices at the global level.
  • This course is designed to acquaint students with various concepts of investment management and to help them understand various issues of the capital market in India.
CMS551: Retail Management
CMH553: Risk and Insurance Management
  • Understand the nature of various insurance policies and their dimensions.
  • Learn insurance and risk management strategies.
  • Understand the importance of corporate and individual risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Provide methods for risk handling.
  • Orient students on the global business environment and international markets.
  • Help students understand the various risks an enterprise is exposed to in international transactions and provide knowledge and skills for hedging foreign currency risks.
  • The objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge of hedging investments.
  • The objective of this course is to provide students with an insight into constructing and managing a portfolio.
Introduction to Professional Social Work
  • Help students understand the methods, history, and evolution of social work education, and the history of social work education in India.
Working with Individuals and Groups
  • Understand casework and group work as methods of social work and appreciate their place in social work practice.
Understanding of Indian Society
  • Introduce various perspectives on understanding caste, class, association, and institution.
Dynamics of Human Behaviour
  • Understand the fundamental components of human behavior.
Personal and Professional Development for Social Work Practice
  • Understand the process of self-awareness and the relevance of self-awareness for personal and professional development.
Social Policy and Welfare Administration
  • Develop an understanding of social policy for effective social work practice.
Community Organization and Social Action
  • Develop competence to undertake a critical and holistic analysis of social issues and community dynamics.
Social Work Research and Statistics
  • Acquire research knowledge and skills to undertake independent research projects.
Social Work with Families
  • Understand the family as a social institution.
Social Work Practicum I and Orientation to Social Work Practice (Field Work)
  • Students are expected to practice the methods of social work such as community organization, social action, and social work research learned in classroom sessions.
Project Planning and Management
  • Gain knowledge about the concept, components, and various types of project planning.
Rural and Tribal Community Development
  • Develop the ability to study and analyze historical and emerging trends in rural societies.
Management of Non-profit Organizations for Sustainable Development
  • Develop an understanding of the evolution of administration as a science and as a method.
Medical Social Work
  • Understand the nature and development of the medical social work profession.
Therapeutic Counselling
  • Develop an understanding of the need and relevance of counselling as a social work approach.
Management Concepts and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Develop an understanding of individual behavior, interpersonal behavior, and group dynamics within the organization.
Human Resource Management and Occupational Social Work
  • Learn about human resource management and its intervention strategies in relation to social work.
Communication Skills for Social Work Practice
  • Acquire understanding of various methods of communication and develop skills to use them effectively in social work practice.
Urban Community Development
  • Develop an understanding of the factors associated with urbanization and its consequences.
Citizen Participation and Local Self-Governance
  • Recognize key concepts of citizenship, participation, and government institutions.
Psychiatric Social Work
  • Gain knowledge about mental health concepts and psychiatric disorders.
Community Health
  • Equip students with basic knowledge about community health.
Labour Welfare and Industrial Legislations
  • Gain knowledge about labor legislations and labor welfare policies.
Industrial Relations and Trade Union
  • Understand the concepts, approaches, and factors related to industrial relations.
Social Work Practicum (Field Work)
  • Students are expected to practice methods of social work such as community organization, social action, and social work research learned in classroom sessions.