IQAC 2019-20

Best Practices

1.  Vidyarthi Darbar and Under the Mango tree programs

Vidyarthi Darbar is a unique programme organized for the students of the college. It is completely managed by the students under the guidance of the conveners of the programme.

Concept: The college, as per its vision, always deems it to be its primary responsibility to “transform the youth into responsible citizens and competent professionals.” In order to visualize this college organizes various programmes for the benefit of the students. Vidyarthi Darbar programme is one such among many. Vidyarthi Darbar means the entire show managed by the students. Here the focus is given to interact with the successful achievers, entrepreneurs, socially challenged, physically challenged, philanthropists, politicians, alumni etc., in order to get the inspiration from them to face and shape their future.

Methodology: Vidyarthi Darbar team will meet and discuss about the person to be invited to the campus to be interacted. Once the person is chosen, under the guidance of the staff convener the person is contacted and invited for the programme of Vidyarthi Darbar. Vidyarthi Darbar invites not only the successful persons but also the lesser privileged and challenged, in order to give a presentation of both sides of life, i.e., failure and success. By doing so the students get to know how important it is to pursue ones’ passions to achieve success and make failures stepping stone to success.

On the day of the programme students will sit along with the invited guest on the stage and will have interaction with the person with a set of prepared questions with the help of staff conveners. The invited persons will speak their life which inspires the students immensely. After the formal interaction the student audience is given opportunity to interact with the person. Students will clear their doubts and ask for their doubts and suggestions. On the whole this entire exercise proves to be a very dynamic and useful to the student’s community.

Under the Mango Tree program

This is a unique and one and only best practice in the University conducted by our college. We have an old, huge mango tree in the middle of the campus. it is not only a fruit bearing tree for us but also a knowledge bearing tree. Every afternoon during the lunch break students spend time under the mango tree with lot of useful activities. 

Sometimes they will have debate, discussions, singing and fun games. Students actively take part in the programme without compulsion.

2. Eco friendly campus

Ever since the beginning, Milagres College Kallianpur has been given significant provision to keep the campus green and nature friendly. Being located at the rural locality, the institution flourishes the ecological diversities, by maximising the eco-friendly practices.

1.    Restricted entry of vehicles

·      It is mandatory to submit the emission test certificates of all the vehicles of staff and students entering the campus.

·      Adhering to the vehicle scrappage policy

·      Four wheelers are strictly prohibited to the students.

·      The college promotes use of bicycles both for students and staff

2.    Pedestrian-friendly pathways

·      Pedestrian friendly pathways are provided in the college premises.

·      The pathways are manifested with proper signs, symbols and streetlight.

3.    Ban on use of Plastic / Reducing the use of plastics

·      The college restricts use of plastics and promotes use of recycled products.

·      The institution follows strict mechanism to segregate the waste generated by plastics.

·      The posters and stickers promoting the ban of plastics are displayed at corridors, canteens, cooperative society, classrooms and rest room.

4.    Landscaping with trees and plants

·      Adhering to the principle of aforestation, the students are assisted to plant and maintain flora

·      Plants of medicinal value, fruit and vegetable bearing plants, and other trees are abundantly planted inside and outside the campus.

Some of the initiatives taken by the college towards making the campus eco-friendly are



Green landscaping with trees and plants- plantation:

The NSS units and science department of the college, plant tree sapling in and around the campus during special events and occasions to make a green   and carbon neutralized campus. 

Also a garden with medicinal and ornamental plants has been established by the to create  awareness on conserving medicinal plants.

Partial  Paperless Office:

The college management system is loaded with several features which facilitate office and users at perform their duties hassle free. To mention a few

i) Admissions portal

ii) Staff attendance management

iii) Library managements

iv) Accounting

The students are aware about use of bicycles and they are using bicycles for up and down purpose. The college staff prefers public transport for up and down. The college campus is dust free.

Environmental Consciousness Programs

·      Clean Water and Sanitation Rally 

·      Vanamahotsava

·      Swachh Bharat Summer Internship Programme 

·      ‘Swachh Bharath Abhiyan’ Jatha 

·      Environment Preservation Day

·      ‘Swachchatha Arivu’ Jaatha 

·      World Environment Day