Milagres College, Kallianpur
IQAC-Internal Quality Assurance Cell
A meeting of the IQAC was held on 20th June, 2018, presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, welcomed the members.
- Approval of the Action Plan for the year 2018-19
- Academic Calendar for the year 2018-19
- Preparation of AQAR 2017-18
- Preparation of SSR
- Civil Service – IAS – Coaching Center
- Preparation for NIRF
- Swachh Bharat Summer Internship Programme
- Any other matters
The following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting:
- The Action Plan submitted by all the departments was approved.
- It was decided to prepare an Academic Calendar.
- Regarding the AQAR: It was decided to instruct all departments to provide the inputs required for AQAR 2017-18 by the end of September 2018.
- Since two years have passed after the 3rd cycle of NAAC Accreditation, it was decided to instruct all departments to collect the information required for the preparation of SSR for the previous years. For the purpose of NAAC preparation, the seven criteria of NAAC Assessment were distributed among the members of the teaching staff. The following are the conveners of the seven criteria of the NAAC:
- Mrs. Annamma, HOD Economics
- Dr. Herald I. Monis, HOD Commerce
- Mrs. Shyalet Mathias, Asst. Prof. in Commerce
- Mrs. Sophia Diss, HOD Hindi
- Mrs. Harinakshi, HOD Kannada
- Mrs. Claara Menezes, Asst. Prof. in Commerce
- Dr. Surekha, HOD Mathematics
- Milagres Center for Career Excellence: It was decided to give training to students for Civil Service Examination competitive exams. It was decided to sign an MOU with National IAS Academy, which is headed by our alumni Mr. Sunil BN.
- It was also decided to prepare for NIRF.
- It was decided to organize the Swachh Bharat Summer Internship Programme under the leadership of the IQAC Coordinator.
The joint meeting of the IQAC with the members of the Teaching Staff was held on 20th December 2018 at 3:30 PM in the A.V. Hall. The meeting was presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva. The IQAC convener, Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, welcomed the members. The members discussed various matters proposed in the agenda, and the following resolutions were made/accepted during the meeting.
- AQAR 2017-18
- Preparation of SSR
- The AQAR 2017-18 presented in the meeting by the IQAC convener, Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, was discussed. Since the information furnished was incomplete, it was decided to upload the AQAR 2017-18 to the NAAC site with more details.
- Since two years have passed after the 3rd cycle of NAAC Accreditation, it was decided to prepare SSR for the previous years. It was decided to involve all members of the teaching staff and some non-teaching staff in the preparation of the Self-Study Report (SSR).
Following Committee was formed in the Meeting:
For the purpose of the NAAC preparation, the seven criteria of NAAC Assessment were distributed among the members of the teaching staff. The following are the conveners of the seven criteria of the NAAC:
1. Criteria II
Convener: Dr. Herald I. Monis, HOD Commerce
- Dr. Fr. Anil Prakash
- Mr. Melroy
- Mrs. Anupama
- Dr. Raghavendar
2. Criteria III
Convener: Mrs. Shyalet Mathias, Asst. Prof. in Commerce
- Mrs. Radhika
- Mr. Vignesh
- Mr. Nityananda
- Mrs. Chandrika
3. Criteria IV
Convener: Mrs. Sophia Diss, HOD Hindi
- Mrs. Rekha
- Mr. Nikhil
- Mr. Anil (Office)
- Mrs. Nisha
4. Criteria V
Convener: Mrs. Harinakshi, HOD Kannada
- Mr. Karthik
- Mr. Ceazer Gonsalves
- Mrs. Chaitra
- Mrs. —
5. Criteria VI
Convener: Mrs. Claara Menezes, Asst. Prof. in Commerce
- Mrs. Renita
- Mr. Pradeep
- Mrs. Jayalakshmi
6. Criteria VII
Convener: Dr. Surekha, HOD Mathematics
- Mr. Ravinandan
- Mrs. Arenza
- Mrs. Sindhoora
- Mrs. Aksharta
Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the IQAC and Student’s Welfare Council
A joint meeting of the IQAC with the Students' Representatives was held on Friday, 11-01-2019, at 3:30 PM in the Audio-Visual Hall. The meeting was presided over by the Principal Dr. Vincent Alva, IQAC Coordinator Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, SWC Director Mrs. Annamma, and members of the Students' Welfare Council were present.
- It was decided that the president and members of the Student Welfare Council, along with NSS, NCC, Rovers, and Rangers, would participate in the Republic Day Parade Programme.
- It was decided to celebrate College Day on 8-03-2019, and time would be allotted to each class to perform cultural programmes.
- Since the students were requesting a Traditional Day, it was decided to observe Traditional Day on 23-03-2019.
- It was decided to arrange a farewell programme for retired staff Prof. Subramanya Joshi on College Day. A student representative from III BSc would give a farewell speech on the occasion.
Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Executive Committee of Milagres College Alumni Association and IQAC
The joint meeting of the Executive Committee of Milagres College Alumni Association and IQAC was held on 12-02-2019 at 4:00 PM in the Audio-Visual Hall of Milagres College, Kallianpur.
Agenda for the Meeting:
- Review of General Body meeting
- College Day/Alumni Day
- Any other Matter
Mr. Salvadore Noronha, President of Alumni Association welcomed the gathering and Mrs. Sophia Dias, Secretary presented a brief report of the last meeting.
It was decided to hold the Alumni Day on 8th at 5 p.m immediately after the College Day Celebrations and invite a Guest among the old students and organize a formal programme followed by cultural programme and fellowship. In this regard a committee was formed with the Cultural Secretaries Mrs. JovitaFernandes and Mr. Naveen Kumar as the Conveners. The following are the committee members:- Mrs. Sindhura, Mr.karthik, Mr. Sandeep, Mr. Hemanth, Mr. ShekarGujjarbettu, Mr. Royston Miss Loylees, Loyleeta, Akshatha, Nisha and Chaitra.
It was brought to the notice of the executive committee members that a felicitation progamme was being held in Dubai on 16.02.2019 to Felicitate Mrs. Hilda Rodrigues and Mrs. Mary Mammen Retired Professor of Milagres College. The principal was invited for this programme. It was decided to sponsor the journey fare of the principal from the Alumni Fund.
The principal informed that outside the college alumni branches cannot be formed with office bearers only get-together and gatherings of Old Students can take place. He informed that the registering of Alumni Association is under process. He also informed that Mr. JayprakashShetty student President of 1983 batch has been invited as the Guest for College Day. He also informed that one student MSW Department may get a Rank this year. He said that the preparation for the NAAC visit is going on. He informed that from next year to look after and co-ordinate the affairs of the Alumni Association a staff will be appointed and our old Student Mr. Alfred Crasto has agreed to sponsor the salary of the staff.
The IQAC coordinator Dr. JayaramShettigar informed the members to fill the feedback forms and return the same at the earliest. He also briefed the members about the AQAR and NAAC preparations.
Mrs. Joyce Lewis, Joint Secretary, proposed the vote of thanks.
Secretary IQAC Coordinator Principal