19 June 2017: Orientation Programme for Degree students
Orientation Programme for the degree students of the college was organized. The Director of Glowinstar Academy, Ambalpady, Dr. Thomas Quadros was the chief guest. In his inaugural address, he spoke about the five stages of life – Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline; of which, the establishment stage ranging from the age 15 to 24 is of most importance. He called upon the students to utilize their energy and talents, and make the best preparation for their upcoming stage – the stage of Establishment. The correspondent of Milagres Institutions, Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo presided over the programme. Campus Minister, Rev. Dr. Prakash Anil Castelino, Principal Dr. Vincent Alva, Directors of Students Welfare Council – Prof. Subrahmanya Joshi and Associate Prof. Annamma were present on the occasion. Ms. Shrinidhi Kamath, III B.Com. A welcomed the gathering, Mr. Joshwa Quadros, III B.Com. proposed the Vote of Thanks, and Mr. Aral Dsouza, II BCA compered the programme.

21 June 2017: Orientation Programme for I Degree Students
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell in association with the Students Welfare Council organized a one day Orientation Programme for the first year degree students of the college. Asst. Prof. Mr. Manoj Fernandes – Dept. of Business Management, Asst. Prof. Mr. Dheeraj Sequira – Dept. of English, and Asst. Prof. Ms. Jenice Jene Goveas – Dept. of Chemistry, from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore were the resource persons. The students were split into three groups for the workshop that followed the formal programme. Principal Dr. Vincent Alva presided over the programme. Coordinator of IQAC – Prof. Jayaram Shettigar introduced the resource persons. Directors of Students Welfare Council – Prof. Subramanya Joshi and Associate Prof. Annamma were also present. Mr. Stuart Olivera, I BCA welcomed the gathering, Ms. Ashitha, I B.A., proposed the Vote of Thanks, and Ms. Rencita D’souza I B.Com. compeered the programme.

03 October 2017 – 04 October 2017: Two Days Staff Training Programme
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Milagres College, Kallianpur organized for a two days Staff Training Programme for the staff members on 03 October 2017 and 04 October 2017. Dr. Vincent Alva, Principal welcomed the guest, Rev. Fr. Dionysius Vaz, S.J., Rector of St. Aloysius College Institutions, Mangalore. Mrs. Shylet Mathias, Staff Council Secretary introduced the guest. Rev. Fr. spoke on the topic, ‘Social Responsibility: Teachers’ Commitment towards Social Cause’, highlighting on emotional thinking and critical thinking, stressing on transforming emotional thinking into critical thinking. He also spoke on the need and importance of mentoring of students by the teachers and also briefed about the various acts of laws like Right to Information Act, Right to Education and Right to Food Act. Mrs. Shylet Mathias, Staff Council Secretary also proposed the vote of thanks.

16 March 2018: NAAC New Methodology and Quality Sustenance
Milagres College, Kallianpur, in association with Association of First Grade College Principals’ of Mangalore University will be organising one day National Level workshop on NAAC New Methodology and Quality Sustenance at Milagres College,Kallianpur. Prof Mahesh Rao, Joint Director Collegiate Education will be inaugurating the workshop. Dr Vincent Alva, Principal will preside over the programme. “ Literary Echoes”, A book consisting of research articles published by the Dept of English will be released by Prof Peter D’Souza. Dr Subashini Muthukrishnan, Bangalore and Dr Denis Fernandes, Mangalore are going to lead the session, Prof Samuel K Samuel, President of Principals’ Association, Dr Jayaram Shettigar, NAAC Co-ordinator will be present on the occasion.