Interaction with Alumnus Mr. Nagaraj, Planet Mars Foundation
‘One has to convert problems in to an opportunity and take the life as a challenge and work hard to achieve the goal. That is the secret of success”, said Mr. Nagaraj the Alumnus of Milagres College, Kallianpur who is presently working as an Energy Consultant. He introduced a newly founded NGO ‘Planet Mars Foundation’, which is working for the social cause by helping poor for education, health, etc. “A part of our earning has to be shared for the social cause. That gives real satisfaction and a meaning to the life”, he added. He was addressing the students in the programme organized by IQAC. Dr. Gerald Pinto, the Principal presided over the function. IQAC Convenor Dr. Jayaram Shettigar organized the programme. Student quality circle student leader Mr. Johan C. A. Lewis welcomed the gathering. Mr. Alfred proposed the vote of thanks and Mr. Nithish, I B.C.A. compered the programme. Many old students and team members of Planet Mars Foundation were present on the occasion.

30 July 2016: One day University level Workshop on ‘Competence Building Initiative’
A one day University level workshop on ‘Competence Building Initiation’ for under graduate students, was organized in association with Mangalore University History Teachers Associations (MANUSHA). Dr. B. Jagadish Shetty, Principal, Sri Poornaprarna College, Udupi inaugurated the programme. Principal Dr. Gerald Pinto presided over the programme. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, Convenor – IQAC, Smt. Reshma – Convener of the programme, Prof. Melwin Rego, Dean of Arts Faculty and Ms. Pooja, the student leader were present on the occasion. 136 students and 16 teachers and resource persons participated in the programme. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar and Smt. Reshma were the resource persons.

One day Workshop on ‘Revisiting Vision & Mission of the College
IQAC of the college organized a one day workshop on ‘Revisiting Vision and Mission Statement of the College’. Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi Diocese presided over the programme. Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Lawrence D’Souza, Secretary, Catholic Education Society, Udupi inaugurated the workshop. Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo – Correspondent of the college, Campus Director – Rev. Fr. Dr. Prakash Anil Castelino, Principal – Dr. Gerald Pinto, P.U. Principal – Smt. Savitha Kumari, P.T.A. President – Mr. Ravichandra Nayak, lQAC Convenor Dr. Jayaram Shettigar and the stake holders like members of Teaching Staff, members of lQAC, PTA, student representatives and Alumni took part in the programme. Dr. Aloysius H. Sequiera, Professor, School of Management, NlTK. Surathkal was the resource person. The participants were divided in six groups and were asked to rewrite the Vision and Mission Statement of the college after the theoretical session. The report given by the leaders of all the groups were collected and were sent to the resource person. The resource person studied the report given by the six groups.

06 March 2017: Kala Sinchana 2017
Milagres College, Kallianpur hosted Mangalore University Inter – College Fine Arts Competition ‘ Kalasinchana 2017’ at 10.00 am in A. V. Hall of the College under the Coordinatorship of Dr. Jayaram Shettigar. Dr. Gerald Pinto, the principal of the college presided over the programme. Sri. Vaman Padukere, the President South Kanara Photographers Association inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Famous artist Jayavanth Manipal was the chief guest. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar delivered the opening remarks and famous Tandoori pot maker Tandoori Brahma Sri. Manju Kulal Meladpu Aroor was present on the occasion and was feIiciItated by the college recognizing his contribution to the craft of pot making particularly Tandoori pot. Ms. Pavana compered the programme. Ms. Srinidhi welcomed the gathering and Mr. Joshwa proposed the vote of thanks. The following competitions were conducted like Photography. Collage. Cartooning, Clay Modeling, Poster Making and Rangoli. Mr. Melwin C. Rego, Mrs. Annamma, Mr. Pradeep J. Moras, Mr. Karthik Nayak, Mrs. Anupama Jogi, Mrs. Reshma, Mrs. Harinakshi M. D., Mr. Suresh Kumar, Mr. Ravinandan and Mr. Nityananda Shetty were event coordinators. The judges of the competition were: Mr. James Vaz, popular Cartoonist. Mr. Srinath Manipal. Popular Sand Artist, Sri Jayavanth Manipal a famous artist, Mr. Stephan Quadros. Professional Photographer, Prof. Melwin C. Rego, H.O D. Sociology, Dr. Vincent Alva. Department of English. Dr. Herald Monis. HOD Commerce, Mr. Sandesh, ACCS – Mangalore. Mrs. Sindhura. Department of Mathematics, Mr. Nagaraj. Department of Commerce. Mr. Ajith, reporter of the popular Kannada Daily Vijaya Kamataka who was present on the inaugural session, was very much impressed by the felicitation to Sri. Manju Kulal. The students of the following colleges participated in the competition: Mangalore University – Mangalagangothri, St. Antony’s College – Karkala, UPMC – Manipal, Richard Almeida College – Kundapur, Govindadas College – Surathkal, GGC – Uppinangadi, Shri Sharada College – Basrur, Sri Devi College – Mangalore, B.B. Hedge College – Kundapur, Government First Grade College – Hiriyadka, Alvas College – Moodbidri, Vivekananda College – Putturu, Milagres College – Kallianpur and Government First Grade College – Kota. A total of 63 competitors from 13 colleges participated in the competition. Prof. Melwin C. Rego, Dean of Arts Faculty was the Chief Guest at the prize distribution ceremony. Dr. Gerald Pinto, Principal of the College presided over the programme. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar and Ms. Rosalia Cardoza the president of Students Welfare Council were present on the occasion. Mr. Ravinandan and Mrs. Reshma coordinated the prize distribution programme. The following competitors got the first, second and third prizes respectively.
Photography: Karthik Prabhu, Alvas College. Moodbidre. Sanketh Kumar N., Vivekananda College, Putturu. Vijeth, Govinda Das College, Surathkal
Collage: Rosalia Cardoza, Milagres College, Kallianpur, Prakyath T. Shetty, Shri Devi College, Mangalore, Shilpa, B. B. Hegde First Grade College. Kundapur
Poster Making: Kiran Chiranieevi, Alvas College, Moodbidre, Neethu, Govindadas College. Surathkal, Vishmitha, B B. Hegde First Grade College. Kundapur.
Cartooning: Naveen P. Naik, Alvas College. Moodbidre. Kavya A., Govindadas College, Surathkal. Martin Peter, Upendra Pai Memorial College. Udupi,
Clay Modeling: Akshay, Alvas College, Moodbidre, Ishwar Kumara Sharma, Upendra Pai Memorial College, Udupi. Puneeth Kumar S, Government First Grade College. Hiriyadka,
Rangoli: Sri Kalla Bhat, Govinda Das College, Surathkal. Yogish Mogaveera, B.B. Hegde First Grade College, Kundapur. Raksha G Mallya, Alvas College, Moodabldre
Painting: Karthik Acharya, Alvas College. Moodabidre. Aishwarya, B.B. Hegde First Grade College, Kundapur. Sunitha Kumar, Government First Grade College, Uppinangady.

09 March 2017: Second Workshop on Revisiting Vision and Mission of the College
IQAC of the college organized the second One day workshop on ‘Revising Vision and Mission Statement of the college at A.V. Hall. Dr. A. H. Sequiera, School of Management, N.I.T.K., Surathkal was the resource person. The report given by the leader of all the groups were collected and were discussed in detail. It was also decided to finalize the Vision and Mission statement of the college in the final workshop which will be held on 12 April 2017.
‘Golden Miracles Souvenir 1967 – 2017’ Released
Sri. Praveen Muddur, Reporter, Udayavani a Kannada daily, addressed the students at Milagres College after releasing the Magazine. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, the editor said that the magazine is dedicated to those children who are the victims of so called civilized people. Dr. Gerald Pinto, Principal of the college in his presidential remarks congratulated Dr. Jayaram Shettigar for bringing out very nice magazine. Prof. Cyril Mathias was also present on the occasion. Ms. Brinda compered the programme. Ms. Ancilla welcomed and Ms. Anusha proposed the vote of thanks.

Orientation Programme for the Young Teachers
IQAC of the college organized One day Orientation Programme for the young teachers. Dr. Clarence Miranda, Principal, Pompei College, Aikala was the resource person. Dr. Miranda threw light on various aspects like preparation, class control technique, student – teachers relation, understanding student psychology. etc. Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo, the Correspondent of the College, Dr. Gerald Pinto, the Principal, Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, IQAC Convenor and the lecturers were present in the programme.

08 April 2017: The Second Joint Meeting of the Management Staff and IOAC
The Second Joint Meeting of the Management, the staff and the IQAC was presided over by Rev. Fr. Dr. Prakash Anil Castelino, the Campus Director. Dr. Gerald Pinto, the Principal, Staff Secretary Mrs. Shylet Mathias. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar, IQAC Convenor and the members of teaching staff were present. All the heads of the departments, conveners of various cells and association and individual staff members presented the respective reports of the implementation of the action plan of the academic year 2016 – 2017 and also plan of action for the year 2017 – 2018.
12 April 2017: Final Redrafting of Vision and Mission Statement of the College
zMost Rev. Dr. Gerald lsaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi Diocese presided over the programme. Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Lawrence D’Souza, Secretary, Catholic Education Society of Udupi, Udupi, Rev. Fr. Stany B. Lobo the correspondent of the college, Campus Director Rev. Fr. Dr. Prakash Anil Castelino, Principal Dr. Gerald Pinto, P.T.A. President Mr. Ravichandra Nayak, IQAC Convenor Dr. Jayaram Shettigar and the stake holders like members of Teaching Staff, members of IQAC, PTA, Student representatives and Alumni took part in the programme. Dr. Aloysius H. Sequiera, Professor, School of Management, NlTK. Surathkal was the resource person.