Department : Library and Information Centre
Designation : Librarian
Date of Joining : May 2005
Qualification : MLIS, M.Phil, KSET, MA (English), DCA.
Email :
Contatct Number : 9964281107/6363336386
Year of Experience : 17 and Half Years
Seminars / Conferences/ Workshops/FDP Attended:
- National conference on “ Innovations for Innovations for Effective Use of Libraries” organized by Department of Collegiate Education, Government First Grade College, Kapu, Udupi on 12th August 2016.
- One Day State level Workshop on “Web Resources for Teaching and Learning” organized by St. Agnes Collehge , Mangalore on 26th August, 2015.
- UGC sponsored one -Day State Level Workshop on “Research Methodology” organizes by Milagres College, Kallianpura on 26th September 2014.
- UGC sponsored International Seminar on “Globalization, Human Rights & Democracy” organized by Milagres College, Kallianpur on 6th and 7th March 2014.
- National Seminar on “Innovative Practices in Libraries” organized by Besant Women’s College Mangalore, on 13t December, 2013.
- National Conference on Management of Modern Libraries (NACML) organised by SEARCH – The Health Sciences Library and the Department of Library and Information Science, Manipal University, Manipal, on 21st and 22nd February, 2013.
- National Seminar on “Guidelines on Quality Indicators from NAAC in Modern Library Management and Services” organized by SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore, on 20th October, 2010
- One day workshop on “Funding Agencies for Research Projects and Designing Project Proposals” organized by St. Agnes College, Mangalore on 19th December, 2008.
- One day workshop on “Easylib: Library Automation Software” organized by Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association (Regd.,) on 31st August 2008 at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
- Attended National Conference on Management of Modern Libraries (4 th NACML -2020) organized by SEARCH – The KMC Health Sciences Library and the Department of Library and Information Science, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, during 10 – 11 January, 2020.
- Attended National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary Issues in Stock market, Finance & Taxation Jointly Organised by the Department of Commerce, Milagres College Kallianpur & MUCTA held from 07-12-2020 to 11-12-2020.
- Attended Online Faculty Development Programme on Tapping Social Capital during COVID-19 Period Organised by Department of Commerce Milagres College Kallianpur & Internal Quality Assurance Cell on15-6-2020.
- Attended State Level Webinar on Pandemic Challenges on Families organised by Milagres College Kallianpura Post Graduation Department of Social Work on 24-11-2020.
- Attended Online Webinar on Effective Use on Research Articles through Knimbus Digital Library organized by Central Library, AJ Institute of Engineering and technology, Mangaluru on 13-07-2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar on From Artificial Intelligence to IOT: Changing Landscape of Libraries organized by the Learning Resource Centre, Jain (Deemed-to- be University), Bangalore on 22-06-2020.
- Attended four day webinar on Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning organized by the Department of Computer Science, Milagres College, Kallianpura from 27-07-2020 to 30-07-2020.
- Attended International Online Faculty Development Programme on Vrittibaddate mattu Bhodana Kaushalyagala Hosa Sadyategalu organised by Sri Mrutunjaya Arts and Commerce College, Dharwad. From 07-12-2020 to 11-12-2020.
- Attended webinar on Ways to Enhance Users’ Satisfaction in Libraries by Dr.Sangeeta Kaul DELNET, Developing Library Network on 12-11-2020.
- Attended International Webinar on “Paradigm Shift to New Normal: Challenges of Adaptability” organized by IQAC, Department of Psychology and Department of Commerce & Management, G. Shankar Government Women’s First Grade College & P.G. Study Centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi on 17-07-2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar & Training Session on “Creativity with Passion Leads to Success”, Organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell Padua College of Commerce and Management Nanthur, Mangalore on 25-07-2020.
- Attended National Webinar Awareness & Use of CeRA Resources through J-Gate Discovery Platform organised by Nehru Library, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar in collaboration with Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) – DKMA-ICAR, New Delhi and Informatics Publishing Limited, Bangalore on 25-06-2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar Series on Information Security and Libraries organised by Department of Library and Information Science and Fr. Moses Library, Rajagiri College of Social Science (Autonomous) from 08-10-200 to 10-10-2020.
- Participated National Level Webinar on Reference Management using Mandeley organised by Sri Mahaveera First Grade College Moodbidri on 18-07-2020.
- Participated in National level workshop on Recreation of Online Digital Libraries in Present Situation organized by Library and Information Centre in association with IQAC G.ShankerGovt Women’s First Grade College & PG Centre Ajjarkadu, Udupi on 11-09-2020.
- Participated in five days Natioanl level workshop on Transformation of the Libraries for NEP 2020 organised by Mangalore University Library , Mangalore on 08-08-2022 to 12-08-2022
Paper Presented:
- “Soft Skills required for Library Professionals” .National Conference on Modern Libraries (NACML) organised by SEARCH – The Health Sciences Library and the Department of Library and Information Science, Manipal University, Manipal, from 21st and 22nd February, 2013.
- Presented a paper on “Cloud Computing and its applications in Libraries” National Conference on Management of Modern Libraries (4 th NACML – 2020) organised by SEARCH – The KMC Health Sciences Library and the Department of Library and Information Science, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, during 10 –11 January, 2020 .
- “Soft Skills required for Library Professionals” (National Conference) ISBN: 978-81-8424-869-2 by Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
- Chapter “Cloud Computing: An Innovative Tool for Library Services” Published in the Book Modern Library Services: Shifting to Print to Virtual. ISBN: 978-81-934311-3-9.
Academic Responsibility:
- SWAYAM NPTEL Coordinator, Milagres College Kallianpur
- Convener – Eco Club, Milagres College Kallianpur
- Member – Media & Publicity, Milagres College Kallianpur
- Secretary- Library Committee, Milagres College Kallianpur
- Assistant IQAC & NAAC Coordinator Milagres College Kallianpur
- Member -Magazine Committee, Milagres College Kallianpur
- Joint Secretary, Milagres College Alumni Association
- LIS Academy
- Udupi, Dakshina Kannada & Kodagu Library Association
- Milagres College Alumni Association.