Department: English

Designation: Lecturer

Number of years of service: 11

Educational Qualification: M.A, B.ed

Conferences/Seminars/ workshops:

  1. Participated in One day International Symposium on, “Retail Tech” on 9th January 2023, at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  2. Participated English syllabus (NEP Scheme)” held at SDM College of Business management Mangalore on 24, November 2022.
  3. Participated one day workshop on, “Second Semester- UG English syllabus (NEP Scheme)” held at Besant Women’s College, Mangalore on 20th June 2022.
  4. Participated in National Webinar on, “Recent Trend in Translation Studies: Theory and Practice” held 16th December 2022 at First Grade Women’s College, Ajjarkad, Udupi.
  5. Participated 10 days national level online FDP on , “Recent trends in Education, technology and management” , jointly organised by Milagres College Kallianpur and GFGC, Kavoor, Mangalore held from 13th July 2021 to 8th August 2021.
  6. Participated in the Webinar on, “Indira Bai, Karukku and Dweepa organised by Association of English Teachers(AET), Mangalore University  on June 18,21,24 and 29 , 2021.
  7. Participated online FDP on basics of Research organised by Punchalakatte, Belthangadi Taluk on 28th May 2020.
  8. Participated in National Webinar on “Developing Writing Skills” on 20thJuly 2020 organised by Milagres College Mangalore.
  9. Participated in National Webinar on “Challenges Confronting the Travel and Tourism Industry” held on 30thJune 2020 organised by Arts and Commerce College, Gadag, Betgeri.
  10. Participated in E-Quiz on English Grammar(Basics) organized by PG and Research department of English organised by Vivekananda College of Arts and science for Women(Autonomous ), Tamil Nadu ,on 20thmay 2020.
  11. Participated in National Level E-Quiz on Commerce and Management organized by MSNM Institute of Management, Mangalore on 23rdJuly 2020.
  12. Participated in the Online Faculty Development Programme on Basics of Research 28/5/2020 organised by Government First Grade College, Punjalkatte, Belthangadi.
  13. Participated in State Level Webinar on “Pandemic Challenges on Families” on 24thNovember 2020 at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  14. Participated in one day workshop on Choice based Credit System on 18thJanuary 2019 at University College, Mangalore.
  15. Participated in one day National Level Seminar on 15thMarch 2019 at Milagres College Kallianpur on the Topic, “Indian Banking System in the Era of Globalisation”.
  16. Participated in one day National Level Seminar on 11thOctober 2018 at Milagres College Kallianpur on the Topic, Gender sensibility in Modern Literature”.
  17. Participated in Two day UGC sponsored National Seminar on” Post Colonialism and Twenty First Century Literature” held on 30thand 31st march 2017 at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  18. Participated in one day State Level Seminar on ‘Research Methodology’, held at Milagres College, Kallianpur on September 2014.
  19. Participated in Two day National Seminar on ‘Kannada Literature in Twenty First Century: Challenges and Possibilities’, held at Milagres College Kallianpur on 26 and 27 August 2014.
  20. Participated in One day University level Workshop on ‘New General English Syllabus’ held at Canara College, Mangalore on 16 July 2014.
  21. Participated in Two day International Seminar held at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 06 and 07 March 2014.
  22. Participated National Seminar on ‘Changing Paradigms of Higher Education’ organized by AMUCT, at St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore from 30 November 2013 to 2ndDecember 2013.
  23. Participated in one day National level Seminar on the topic ‘National Language and Culture Contestations in Contemporary Writing’, held at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore on January 2010.

Paper Presentations:

  1. Presented a paper in the National Seminar titled, “Cultural Linguistic Diversity of English Language Speakers in Udupi District” at Milagres College, Mangalore on February 2018.
  2. Presented a paper in the National Seminar titled ,‘Gulliver’s Travels from Children Perspective’, held at St. Aloysius College on 03 March 2017
  3. Presented a paper in the National Seminar titled ‘Concept of Power with special reference to Macbeth’, held at St. Aloysius College on 19 February 2015.
  4. Presented a paper in the International Seminar titled ‘Impact of Globalization on Fishermen with special reference to Coastal Karnataka’, held at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 06 March 2014 and 07 March 2014.
  5. Presented a paper in the State Levell Seminar titled ‘Thematic Concerns of Racism and Slavery in the Novel Huckleberry Finn’, held at Milagres College, Kallianpur on February 2014.



  1. Coordinated One Day University level Workshop on, “Basics of Phonetics and Linguistics” held on 20th July 2022 at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  2. Coordinated a Seven Day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on, “ An Introduction to Literary Theories For Young Brains” from 04-07-2020 to 11-07-2020.
  3. International Symposium on “Cultural Insights” on 20th December 2022 at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  4. Technical expert in organising the AET sponsored Webinars on June 18, 21, 24 and 29, 2021.
  5. Resource person for the session on ‘Career Guidance for High School students of Milagres Kannada Medium School organised by Department of MSW, Milagres College Kallianpur on March 27, 2021.
  6. Coordinated a Seven Day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on,” An Introduction to Literary Theories for Young Brains” from 04-07-2020 to 11-07-2020.
  7. Coordinated a One day National Seminar on Gender Sensibilities in Modern Literature organized by faculty of Languages on 11th September 2018 at Milagres College Kallianpur.

Academic Responsibilities:

  • Member:
    • Mid Day Meal (2022-
    • SWC Director(2019-2022)
    • Magazine Committee (2014 –
    • Sports and Games (2014 –
    • Career Guidance and Placement Cell (2014 –
    • Alumni Association (2014 –
    • Career guidance cell(2014-