Milagres College, Kallianpur – 576114
Udupi Dist. Karnataka.
Email ID : alvavincy@gmail.com
Mob. No. : 09845526695
Designation: Associate Professor
Date of Joining the Service: 2nd July, 1990
Educational Qualification: M.A,Ph.D
Has been awarded Ph.D from Mangalore University, Karnataka for the thesis “Interpreting and Interrogating Indian Traditions: A Study of the Fictional Works of Gita Mehta, Shashi Tharoor and Rohinton Mistry”guided by Prof. D. R Shashidhara, Department of English, Mangalore University.
Widely recognized as a Motivational Speaker.
Strengths: Resource Person for
- Soft Skills
- Communicative Skills
- Public speaking
- Teachers Training
- Personality Development
- Parent-Teacher Association
- Youth Programmes
- Music composer and Singer
- Academic resource person
Seminars Attended
- National Seminar on Indian Women Writers in English at Aloysius College, Mangalore on 18th February, 2012.
- Seminar on Emerging Images of Women In Indian Fiction in English and in Translations from Regional Languages at Besant’s College, Mangalore on 9th, 10th March, 2012.
- Seminar on Indian Literature in English Translations – the Present Scenario at Bhandarkar’s College, Kundapura on 3rd, August 2012.
- National Seminar on Narrative Semantics: Texts, Contexts, Remediation at Poornaprajna College, Udupi, on 11th and 12th January, 2013.
- State Level Seminar on Innovative Teaching Techniques in English at Milagres College Kallianpur, on 3rd and 4th February, 2014
- National Seminar on Reconstruction of Sexuality in Media and Popular Culture at Aloysius College, Mangalore on 7th and 8th February, 2014.
- International Seminar on Globalization, Human Rights and Democracy at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 6th and 7th March, 2014.
- National Seminar on Nationalism as a Religion: Trends in India at Pompei College Aikala, on 19th and 20th December, 2014.
- Attended Refresher Course at Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati.
- Attended a Refresher Course at Goa University.
- Attended National Level Seminar at Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati.
- Attended District Level Seminar on ‘Adolescent psychological Problems’ at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
- Attended National Level Seminar on Democracy, Human Rights and Minorities – An interface.
- Attended a National Level Seminar on “Technology Based Innovations in Teaching and Learning at College” held at Milagres College Kallinapur.
- Attended a Regional Level Seminar on “Cultural Tourism in India” held at Milagres College Kallianpur.
- Attended a State Level Workshop on Poetry conducted by Karnartaka Konkani Sahitya Academy held at Milagres College Mangalore.
- Attended a seminar on “Competency Enrichment on Language Teachers”. Worked as External examiner at St. Aloysius College Mangalore.
- Resource Person for “Personality development Programme” at St Mary’s College Shirva.
- Resource Person for “personality development Programme at SMS College Brahmavar.
- Attended a seminar on “NAAC Reaccreditation” held at Milagres College Kallianpur and SMS College, Brahmavar.
- Attended a State Level Seminar on “Techniques of Teaching English” held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
- Attended a State Level Seminar on “Effects of Globalization on language and culture” held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
- Attended a State Level Seminar on “Interplay of History and Myth in Girish Karnad’s Plays” held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
- Attended a Seminar on “Changing Paradigms in Administration of Higher Educational Institutions” at Crossland College, Brahmavar von October, 11, 2017
- Attended University level seminar on “Manpower Planning in Higher Education” held at Mangalore University on 24th October, 2017
- Attended International Symposium on “Cultural Insights” organised by Milagres College Kallianpur on December 20, 2022.
- Attended International Level Symposium on Retail Tech organised by Milagres College Kallianpur, on January 9, 2023.
- Attended a seminar on Recent Trends in Translation Studies: Theory and Practice on December 16, 2022 organised by Dr. G Shanker Government First Grade College and P G Centre, Ajjarkadu, Udupi.
Papers Presented
- Being in the wrong place at the wrong time: An Analysis of the Novel Riot by Shashi Tharoor at a National Seminar on Reconstruction of Sexuality in Media and Popular Culture at Aloysius College, Mangalore on 7th and 8th February, 2014.
- Fine Balance Without A Balance: Impact of Globalization on Human Rights and Democracy at an International Seminar on Globalization, Human Rights and Democracy at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 6th and 7th March, 2014.
- Religious Nationalism – A Threatening Blend at a National Seminar on Nationalism as a Religion: Trends in India at Pompei College Aikala, on 19th and 20th December, 2014.
- Presented Paper on “Reaching Out through Outreach Programmes” at the National Level Seminar at Cross Land College Brahmavar.
- Presented Paper on “Democracy and Cultural Amity – Redefined” in the National Level Seminar held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
- Presented Paper on “Women in Literature in the National Level Seminar held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
- Presented a paper on “Benchmarking in Rural Colleges – A Challenge” in the National Seminar held in Christ University Bangalore.
- “Being in the Wrong Place at wrong time: An Analysis of the Novel Riot by Shashi Tharoor”, ISBN: 978 – 93– 5156 – 814-8, Seminar Volume.
- “Fine Balance Without a Balance: Impact of Globalization on Human Rights and Democracy”, ISBN: 978-81-929263-1-5, Seminar Volume-II
- “Religious Nationalism – A Threatening Blend”, ISSN 2249 – 2151, Vol V Issue 1.
- “Diaspora and Literary Conflicts”. The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies – July- September 2016, Volume V Issue i. ISSN 2249 – 216X
- “Nation and Nationalism – A multidimensional Debate”. Printing Area, International Multilingual Research Journal, Issue-35, Vol-05, November-2017.
- Published a book of Short stories in Konkani titled “Mellya Petya Bovarim” on 17th December, 2017
- Published a book of Konkani articles titled “Mellyancho Husko” on 18th December, 2017.
- “Parsi Community and the Modernity Challenges: A Dialogue with the Insiders”. AL-SHODHANA, A Multi Disciplinary Refereed Research Journal, Vol. VII No. 1 January 2019, ISSN: 2320-6292
Academic Responsibilities:
- Member of Board of Examiners of Mangalore University in the year 2011
- Member of Board of Studies Mangalore University from 2012-15.
- External Examiner at St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, (Autonomous).
- Member of Board of Studies of English Mangalore University 2021-24
- Translated Jnana Pita Awardee U. R Ananthamoorthy’s Kannada Novel Samskara into Konkani.
- Published a book of Konkani Columns Karandai
- Edited a book Madhyamadalli Konkani Sahitya Academy
- Appointed the Member of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy from 2007-10.
- Guinness Record Holder: Participated in the successful world record attempt – “Konkani Nirantari” organized by Mandd Sbhan at Kalangan, Shaktinagar, Mangalore, India, on January 26 and 27, 2008.
- Composed songs for the audio C. D’s
- Short story writer, Columnist and a poet.
- Resource Person on the topic “Role of Teachers in Molding the Future of the Students” for the teachers of Kasargod District.
- Resource Person at Kolalgiri, Udupi, on the topic “Effective Communication and Leadership”.
- Resource Person for Value Education session at St. Xavier High School Udyavar.
- Resource Person for “NAAC-Re-accreditation – New Methodology” at Cross Land College, Brahmavar.
- Resource Person for “NAAC-Re-accreditation – New Methodology” at Pompei College Aikala.
- Resource Person for “NAAC-Re-accreditation – New Methodology” at Poornaprajna College Udupi.
- Resource Person in a National Seminar at A.P.C Mahalakshmi College for Women, Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, on the topic “Be a Better Version of yourself” – A motivational speech.
- Resource Person at Moodlukatte Engineering College, Kundapura at Teachers Training programme.
- Invited to deliver series of motivational talks to the students of Sacred Heart School, Kingdom of Bahrain
- Resource person in a National Seminar at Mananmaniam, Sundaranar University, Sathankulam, Tuticorin, on the topic “Rural Entrepreneurship, Challenges and Prospects.
- Delivered Keynote address in the National Seminar titled Society, Culture and Modern Intellectuals conducted by St Aloysius College, Mangalore on 25 January, 2018.
- Delivered Keynote address in the Multilingual National Conference on Language, Literature and Culture: A Means of Human Existance, Sustenance and Development” held on 24 February, 2018 at Milagres College, Mangaluru
- Published a book of Short stories in Konkani titled “Mellya Petya Bovarim” on 17th December, 2017
- Published a book of Konkani articles titled “Mellyancho Husko” on 18th December, 2017.
- Resource person at Christ University Bangalore on Techniques of Effective Public Speaking on 28th and 29th June, 2018
- Attended University Level webinar on Nampally Road organized byAssociation of English Teachers, Mangalore University on June 24, 2021.
- Attended University Level webinar on Dweepa organized by Association ofEnglish Teachers, Mangalore University on June 29, 2021.
- Attended a National Level Seminar on Engaging Pedagogies for an EffectiveLearning Environment organized by APC Mahalaxmi College For Women,Thoothukudi on 23 rd July, 2021.
- Attended a National Level FDP on Recent Trends in Education,Technology and Management Jointly organized by Milagres CollegeKallianpur and GFGC Kavoor, Mangalore from 30th July, 2021 to 8thAugust, 2021.
- Delivered an Inaugural address for A Seven Day National Level FDP onLiterary ‘-isms’ for Young Research Scholars on June 5, 2021 organisedby Bishop Caldwell College Thoothukudi.
- Delivered a Lecture on Value and Importance of Critical/AnalyticalThinking of Literary Text in a National Seminar conducted by StPhilomena College, Mysore on 31 July, 2021.
- Delivered Inaugural address on an International Seminar on TheMetamorphosis of Human Epistemology in the Post PandemicEpistemology in the Post Pandemic Era – A MultidisciplinaryPercipience organized by Bishop Caldwell College, Thoothukudi, 13thand 14th August, 2021.
- Delivered a keynote Address on “Folk Culture: Local Traditions and Global Challenges” on 26, November, 2022 organised by St Aloysius College, Mangalore.