Department: History

Designation: Associate Professor and HOD

NAAC Coordinator

Rover Scout Leader HWB

Educational Qualification: MA, MPhil, SLET, PhD

Cell No.: 9448857435

Email:   jayaramshettigarhistory@gmail.com


  1. Programme Organised
  2. Paper Presented
  3. Conferences/ Seminars/workshop/Webinar Attended
  4. Publications – Books/Articles
  5. Resource Person
  6. E-Content
  7. Participation in College and other Academic Bodies
  8. Participation in Non Academic Bodies
  9. T V. Programme
  10. Awards and Recognition
  11. 2016-2017
  12. 2017-2018
  13. 2018-2019
  14. 2019-2020
  15. 2020-2021
  16. 2021-2022
  17. 2022-2023


Programme Organised:

    1. Organized South Zone Interstate Pre-Republic Day Selection Camp 2007, 10 days, 200 NSS Volunteers from Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andaman-Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep has participated. Sponsored by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Government of India as the camp organizer.
    2. Lead Karnataka State NSS Contingent in the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi on January- 2009.
    3. Participated as a member of organizing committee in the National Youth Festival held at Mangalore from 12-1-2012 to 12 1.2012.
    4. He also Organised 5 days State Level Youth Meet in Milagres College in Dec 2014.
    5. Organized ‘Oddolaga’, Mangalore University level inter collegiate cultural competition at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 13& 14 Feb. 2012.
    6. Organized national seminar- “Democracy, Human Rights and Minorities”, at Milagres College Kallianpur.
    7. Co convener and Session Coordinator of Two Day International Seminar on GLOBALISATION , HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY held at Milagres College Kallianpur
    8. He has organized Mangalore University Inter Collegiate Fine Arts Competition ‘Kalasinchana 2017’ in Association with Directorate of Students Welfare Mangalore University on 14-3-2017 in which student of seventeen colleges of Mangalore University
    9. “Women Empowerment through Inclusion”, a national seminar at Milagres College Kallianpur.
    10. Organized one day NATIONAL LEVEL WORKSHOP ON NAAC NEW METHODOLOGY AND QUALITY SUSTENANCE at Milagres College Kallianpur on 16thmarch 2018.
    11. As a nodal officer guided thirty five students who successfully completed hundred hours Swachch Bharat Summer Internship (SBSI) programme and submitted its report to Mangalore University, Government of Karnataka and Government of India.
    12. University level workshop on DEBATES IN INDIAN HISTORY: Department of History in association with MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association and IQAC of the College has organised one day University level workshop on  DEBATES IN INDIAN HISTORY on01.2020
    13. State level Rangers Centenary Celebration: The Rovers and Rangers unit of our college has organised State level Rangers Centenary Celebration on 07-09-2019
    14. State level Rovers – Rangers Moot: Milagres College in Association with Bharat scouts and guides Karnataka, has organised four day State level Rovers – Rangers Moot from 07-09-2019 to 10-9-2019
    15. Study Tour – Madicary Raja Seat, Tebetian colony, Abbifalls etc.
    16. Gururaj Bhat Memorial Endowment lecture. The second lecture in the series was organized on 5thSeptember 2007. Dr. Norbert Lobo, Lecture in Economics, St. Aloysius College, and Mangalore delivered endowment lecture on “Special Economic Zone”.
    17. 10 days NSS annual special camp at Govt PU College Kemmannu 22-12-2007
    18. All India Kannada Sahitya Sammelana team manager- NSS Volunteers Team 15.12.2007.
    19. South Zone Inter State NSS Camp Mangalore University at Koteshwara as one of the camp Officer, 28.05.2006.
    20. University Level Cultural Training Programme, NSS Mangalore University Kallianpur, as the Co-Ordinator, 10.09.2006.
    21. State Level Seminar on Developmental Interventions and Marginalized People at Milagres College Kallianpur, as one of the Co-organizer. 30.09.2006.
    22. 10 days NSS annual special camp at Govt PU Karje, 15.10.2006.
    23. Cultural Tourism Regional Seminar sponsored by UGC  at Milagres College 24.01.2006.
    24. NSS Mangalore University and Pompie College Aikal, Inter Collegiate Competition Team Manager, 13.08.2005.
    25. General Secretary, Renovation committee, 800 years old Shri Brahmalinga Veerabhadra Sri Durgaparameshwari Temple Barkur, May-2005.
    26. General Secretary, MANUSHA Mangalore University History Teachers Association- One day seminar at PPC Udupi
    27. General Secretary, MANUSHA Mangalore University History Teachers Association -Two days Seminar at SDPT College Kateel.
    28. 10 days NSS annual special camp of NSS Milagres College at Sagri Noole, 25.10.2005.
    30. Organized ‘Oddolaga’, Mangalore University level inter collegiate cultural competition at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 13& 14 Feb. 2012.
    31. Gururaj Bhat Memorial Endowment lecture. Dr. G. Gururaj Bhat is the founder principal of the college. The fifth lecture of the series was delivered by Dr. Chinnaswami Sosale H.O.D of History Kannada University Hampi, on the topic “Reconstruction of Contemporary History, Problems And Challenges’ on 4thFeb. 2012.
    32. Gururaj Bhat Memorial Endowment Lecture on the topic “Historians of Tulunadu” on 12-1-2013.  Endowment Lecture: Dr. B. Jagadish Shetty HOD History Sri Poornaprajna College Udupi delivered
    33. Pandith Madan Mohan Malaviya 150thBirth anniversary: An essay competition was conducted on that occasion.
    34. Member of organizing Committee, in the National Conference of Sahakara Bharati 2013 held at Bangalore on 17th, 18th, 19th Jan. 2013.
    35. Organized  ‘Motor cycle rally’ and ‘street play’  to create awareness against harassment of women   2-7-2013
    36. Organized a National Seminar on “Women Empowerment Through Inclusion”, in association with Women Cell of the college on 24-8-2012 in Milagres College
    37. Leader of the camp- Mangalore University Level Three Day National Integration held at Govt. First Grade College Kota.
    38. Leader at Inter District Three Day Service Camp during Pejavara Paryayay Ustava at Udupi.
    39. Organized Dr. P. Gururaj Bhat Memorial Endowment Lecture.  Prof, T. Murugeshi, HOD, Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, MSRS College Shirva delivered seventh Lecture of the series on the topic “Pre Historical findings of Coastal Karnataka”.
    40. International Day of Nonviolence:   International Day of Nonviolence was observed in the Department. Prof. Subrahmanya Bhat, the Principal MSRS College Shirva    delivered a special Lecture on “Gandhian Way of Life” on 2nd
    41. Museum: Department of History in association with Milagres Cathedral   is maintaining a museum. During the academic year nearly 400 visited the Milagrean museum. The participants of NSS Special camp of GFGC Tenkanidiyoor and Bharat Scout and Guide Stare youth Meet of Rovers And Rangers visited the museum under the guidance of Dr. Jayaram Shettigar.
    42. He also Organised 5 days State Level Youth Meet in Milagres College
    43. Co convener and Session Coordinator of Two Day International Seminar on GLOBALISATION , HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY held at Milagres College Kallianpur
    44. Organized ‘Oddolaga’, Mangalore University level inter collegiate cultural competition at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 13& 14 Feb. 2012.
    45. Organized a National Seminar on “Women Empowerment through Inclusion”, in association with Women Cell of the college on 24-8-2012 in our College.
    46. One day University level workshop on Competence Building Initiative : One day University level workshop on “Competence Building Initiative” for fresher’s was organized by the Department of history, Milagres college, Kallianpur in association with MANUSHA that is Mangalore University History Teachers Associations on 30.07.2016
    47. Celebration of Birth Centenary of D. Devarj  Ures
    48. A great political visionary and social reformer, D. Devarj Ures had serious concern for the down trodden section of our society, said Sri Umesh Naik
    49. Narayana Guru Jayanthi: Sri Narayan guru was a great leader of a silent socio-religious revolution in South India. Because of his efforts people of lower strata of our society are able to lead a dignified life.
    50. MONUIMENTS PROTECTION PROGRAMME: Department of History has organised one day Monuments Protection Programme on 23-10-2016 at Udayavara.  45 students and 5 teachers including
    51. RAGNA National Film Award:  Jayaram Shettigar, Miss Rosalia Cardoza, Mis Kritika, and Mr. Karthik have received “National Level Second Best Short Film Award” from Mr. Oscar Fernandez, Member of Rajya Sabha and Mr. Ashok Kodavoor,  the main organizer, at the award ceremony held at “RAGNA” Academy on 07-10-2016.  RAJIV GANDHI
    52. Leader at Inter District three day Service Camp during Sri  Pejavara Paryayay  Ustava at Udupi
    53. Organised a Jatha on the occasion of International Heart Day , along with NSS unit and High Tech Medicare Hospital from Udupi to Santhekatte
    54. Organised Two Day Inter Institution HRD Training for young Teacher at Milagres College Kallianpur on 12thand 13th April 2018.
    55. Gururaj Bhat Memorial Endowment Lecture:  Dr. P. Gururaj Bhat Memorial Endowment Lecture instituted by Prof. G.S Ramachandra in the year 2007.   The 9th lecture of the series was delivered by Prof. K. K. Gurumurthi , Associate professor and Head of Department of History Crossland College Brahmavar on 28-8-2015 on the topic “Place Names of Tulunadu.”
    56. Organized One Day Orientation on NAAC New Methodology for the members of teaching staff in the AV Hall of the College. Dr Denis Fernandez St Aloysius College Mangalore was the Resource Person.
    57. Organized an Orientation Programme for the Final Degree Students in the AV Hall of the College.
    58. Organized the third and final workshop on redrafting the “Vision and Mission” of the college was organized on 12-4-2017 in which the Management, staff, and IQAC has participated.
    59. organized a  Second  Joint Meeting of the management, the staff and IQAC, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell was held on 8-04 2017
    60. Organised Kallianpur Local Association Level Geeta Gayana competition for the scouts and guides of Kallianpur Region in which Scouts and Guides of 10 schools have participated.
    61. Organized Martyr’s day on 30th January 2019. In the SAV Hall of the College and delivered a special lecture on Gandhi’s contribution to World Peace.
    62. Interaction with Alumnus: Prof Vijetha Shetty one of the old students of the college visited the Department on 10-7-2019.
    63. Study Tour to Kanchipuram Mahabalipuram and Chennai: Department of History in Association with Humanities Association has organised Five day study tour to Kanchipuram Mahabalipuram and Channai from  16th, September  to 20thSeptember 2019
    64. International Yoga Day: Rovers and Rangers of the College in association with The Bharat Scouts and Guides Local Association Kallianpur have organised International yoga Day.  Rover and Rangers of Milagres P U College
    65. All Faith Prayer: The Rovers and Rangers unit of our college has organised All Faith Prayer at Malpe Beach on 9-9-2019 under the leadership of Dr. Jayaram
    66. Beach Games: As part of State level Rovers – Rangers Moot Beach games were organised at Malpe Beach, Sri K Ravi raj Hedge, the president DK Disstrict Milk Union, inaugurated the programme
    67. Felicitation to Minister:  Honourable Minister for Port and Fisheries, Government of Karnataka Sri Kota Shrinivasa Poojary Addressed the Rovrs and Rangers on the occasion of State level Rovers – Rangers Moot held at our College.
    68. Gandhi Jayanthi and All Faith Prayer Programme: Rovers and Rangers of the College organized All Faith Prayer Programme on Gandhi Jayanthi Day on 2ndOct 2018
    69. Visit to Old Age Home: Rovers and Rangers along with RSLs visited the Ozanam an old age home at Santhekatte. Volunteer interacted with the inmates of the Ashram. Fruits were also distributed to the inmates.
  1.  Paper Presented:   
    1. “Karnataka Karaavaliyalli Modala Swaatantrya Sangrama” on the occasion of 74thAll India Kannada Saahitya Sammelana held at Udupi in 2007.
    2. State Level Workshop Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Sanghatane-NYK-Bangalore University 02 days 13.05.2007.
  1. He delivered a special lecture on the topic “Tulunaadu nerenaadu sambandha” on the inaugural day of Vishwa Tulu Sammelana WORLD TULU CONVENTION – 2009.
  2. ‘Temple Renovation and Cultural Shift’ nÀļÀÄ£Ár£À°è zÉêÁ®AiÀÄUÀ¼À fÃuÉÆÃðzÁÞgÀ ºÁUÀÆ ¸ÁA¸ÀÌöÈwPÀ ¥À®èl’ paper Presented in the national seminar held at Sri Sharada College Basruru.on11.9.2014
  3. NATIONALISM AND POLITICAL STRUGGLE: GANDHI- IVEKANANDA DIALOGUEpaper Presented in the national seminar held at Sri Mahavira College Moodabidri on 5-9-2014
  4. UNDERSTANDIG VIVEKANANDA THROUGH THE WRITINGS OF GANDHI paper Presented in the national seminar held at Sri Sharada College Basruru. on 1.8.2014
  5. ‘Recent trends in Historical writings with reference to women studies’ in the national seminar held at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  6. ‘‘Gandhi’s Harijan Tour in Udupi And Its Significance’ paper Presented in the annual conference of Karnataka Itihasa Academy Bangalore. On 28 -9-2014 at Shirva.
  7. ‘Vivekananda’s Social reforms – A Native Model’
  8. DEVELOPMENT PARADIGM AND TOURISM -RECENT ISSUES presented in the National seminar held at Shri Sharada College Basrur.
  9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM  -NEW CHALLENGES  at the National seminar held at Alva’s College Moodabidri,
  10. SEXUAL ASSULT ON TOURISTS  AND ITS  IMPACT  at the National seminar held at Milagres  College  Kallianpur,
  11. VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN INDIA IN 2013 at the International seminar held at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  12. Contributions of DR. P. GURURAJ BHAT TO THE HISTORICAL RESEARCH’’ at Sri Poorna Prajna College Udupi.
  13. TULUNAADINA APARUPADA BHANDI BHADRAKALI at Karnataka Itihasa Academy National Conference at Mythic Society Bangalore
  14. “Contributions of Dr. B. Vansant Shetty for Historical Research” at SMS College Brahmavar.
  15. “Pre Historical findings of Udupi District” at Crosland College Brahmavar.
  16. Presented a research paper “Women  as Reflected in Epigraphs of Udupi” in the National Seminar on “Women Empowerment Through Inclusion”, organized in Milagres College Kallianpur on 24-8-2012
  17. Presented a research paper entitled “Udupi Parisarada Shasanagalalli mahileyaru ” in the Annual Conference of Karnataka Itihasa Academy, organized at Shri Sharada Peetha Shringeri on 22 and 23 Aug. 2012.
  18. “Contributions of  M.Malaviya”  in the programme organized by Department of History MSRS College Shirva on 13-9-2012.
  19. Presented a research paper entitled “Tulunaadinalli Shaivaaradhane ” in the seminar organized by Tulu Saahitya Academy and Shri Manjunatha Temple Kadri Mangalore. At Kadri 16.12 2012
  20. Presented a research paper entitled “Tulunaadina Panchalingeshwara devaalayagalu ” in the Renovation of Shri Panchalingeswara Temple, Vittla Mangalore Dist.
  21. Participated and  Presented a research paper entitled “Temple Structure and Social Structure a Case Study of Kundapur Region ” in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar, organized by Bhandarkars College Kundapur, from 16thand 17th
  22. Presented a research paper “Women as Reflected in Epigraphs of Udupi” in the National Seminar on “Women Empowerment through Inclusion”, organized in Milagres College Kallianpur on 24-8-2012.
  23. Paper entitled ‘DEVELOPMENT PARADIGME AND TOURISM – RECENT ISSUES’ presented in UGC national seminar organized at Shri Sharada College Basrur.20-7 2013.
  24. Presented Paper entitled ‘Sexual Assault on Tourist – Recent Issues in UGC national seminar organized at Milagres College Kallianpur 1-10- 2013.
  25. presented paper   “Rare Bhadrakali of Tulunadu” in the National Annual Conference organized by  ‘ Karnataka Itihasa academy –Mythic Society Bangalore- at Bangalore -21-9-2013
  26. Delivered a special lecture on “Symbols of Gandhi” in the programme on “International Day of Nonviolence” organized by Students Welfare Council, Milagres College Kallianpur, on 2-10-2012.
  27. Participated and wrote a research paper entitled “Tulunaadina Panchalingeshwara devaalayagalu” in the Renovation of Shri Panchalingeswara Temple, Vittla Mangalore Dist.
  28. Delivered a special lecture on “Contributions of M. M. Malaviya” in the programme organized by Department of History MSRS College Shirva on 13-9-2012.
  29. “Gandhi and Malaviya” a special Lecture delivered in Milagres College, organized by Humanities Association on the occasion of 150thBirth Anniversary of M.M. Malaviya, on 17-9- 2012.
  30. paper presented  in the programme jointly organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association and Government First Grade College Kota , Kundapur
  31. Presented Paper on “Land Reforms of D. Devaraj Ures” on the occasion of Birth Centenary Celebration of Sri D. Devarj Ures former Chief Minister of Karnataka on 13.8.2016.
  32. Presented paper on “Contributions of Sri Narayana Guru” in the programme jointly organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association and Mulki Sundar Ram Shetty College Shirva, Karnataka on the occasion of Birth Day of Sri Narayana Guru a great social Reformer of Modern India on 13-9-2016.
  33. Conference attended and Paper presented: Attended a Three Day National Level Conference on IQAC organized by the IQAC Christ University Bangalore and presented a Paper on Mid Day Meal Scheme: A Best Practice Benchmarking at Milagres College Kallianpur, Karnataka.
  34. Participated and presented a research paper entitled “Tulunaadinalli Shaivaaradhane” in the Regional seminar organized by Tulu saahitya Academy and Shri Manjunatha Temple Kadri Mangalore.  12 2012
  35. Paper on ‘Regional response to first war of Indian Independence’-  State Level Workshop- Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Sanghatane-NYK and Bangalore University-13.05.2007
  36. Paper on ‘Tourism Syllabi’ in the Two day seminar on CULTURAL TOURISIM IN INDIA WITH REFERENCE TO COASTAL KARNATAKA. 2006
  37. Presented a research paper entitled “Buddhism in Tulunadu” UGC National Seminar at MSRS College Shriva, 2010
  38. Presented a research paper entitled “Epigraphical Reference to the Temple Renovation in Udupi” UGC National Seminar at St. Mary’s College Shirva, Udupi.2011
  39. presented paper ‘ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM – NEW CHALLENGES’ in the national seminar organized by Alva’s College Moodabidri
  40. Participated and presented a research paper on “Gandhi’s Harijan Tour in Mangalore” in the national level seminar on ‘Revisiting Mahatma Gandhi’s Thought in Post Independent India’ organized by Shri Kukke shubhramanyheshwar College Subhramnya on 12-2-2019
  41. Participated as the Resource person in the University level Seminar on “GANDHI AND MAKING OF MODERN INDIA” held at Government First Grade C Kaup.
  42. Participated in one day national seminar on ‘NAAC New Methodology’ at Milagres College Hampamnakatta Mangalore.
  43. Participated as an Assistant leader in the today Mangalore University level YOUTH MEET of Rovers and Rangers held at Dr. G Shankar Govt. First grade College for Women and Post Graduate study Center Ajjarkad Udupi
  44. Participated as the Chief Guest in the Annual Sports Meet at G M Vidyaniketan Public School Brahmavar.
  45. Presented Paper on ‘Epigraphical Reference to Queens of Tulunadu’ at Rani Abbakka Ustava Held at University College Mangalore.

III. Conferences/ Seminars/workshop/Webinar Attended:

  1. Orientation Course – Mysore University, Karnataka.
  2. Refresher courses -Goa University.
  3. Refresher courses – JNU New Delhi
  4. UTA, jointly organized by UNICEF and KSAPS Mangalore, College Aids Education Programme, 19.10.2006
  5. NSS Orientation programme at TOC Myssore-2006- 10days
  6. Youth Training Programme organized by RGNIYD Perambudur Tamilnadu, at New Delhi-2009 – 15days
  7. Participated in Rovers Basic Training held at Besant Park Doddaballapur, Bangalore organized by Bharat scout and Guide Karnataka from 8.12.2012 to 15.12.2012.
  8. The Bharat Scouts and Guides Advanced Training Programme Davanagere 7 days
  9. The Bharat Scouts and Guides HIMALAYAN WOODBADGE Training Programme Madya Predesh 7 days
  10. Staff Advancement Programme – IQAC Milagres College- 12.08.2007
  11. NSS Officer Training- NSS Unit Mangalore University Mangalore, 22.03.2008.
  12. Participated in Two day International Conference on INDIRA GHANDHI AND HER POLICIES held at St Agnes College Mangalore on 19thand 20th 2018
  13. Entrepreneurship Training, SIDB and MIM Manipal. 25.03.2006.
  14. Participated in the Workshop ‘Effective Teaching – Strategies, Methods, Techniques And Action Plans’, conducted by the Govt of Karnataka commission of collegiate education, HRD and TQM, at Milagres College, Kallianpur, on 30thand 31st December 2003.
  15. On Technology Based Innovations In Teaching And Learning At College Level at Milagres College, Kallianpur, Udupi from 23rdto 26th June, 2005.
  16. Participated in the one day Orientation Programme on Creative Teaching and Handling Psychological Problems of Students, organized by the catholic board of education and internal quality assurance cell, at Milagres College, Kallianpur on 18thNovember, 2005.
  17. Attended Rovers Basic Training programme organized by Bharat Scout and Guide Udupi Dist. Unit at Kadiyali on 28-8-2012
  18. Rovers Training Programme – Udupi – Oct-2013
  19. National Seminar on Tulu cultural Studies- Tulu Study Centre, B.C. Road, 6.4.2008
  20. International Seminar – Northern University, USA& MIM, Manipal-9.1.2008
  21. State Level Seminar- Department of Archaeology Udupi- 06.01.2008
  22. 1857 Samsmarane- NYK-Toukur- 29.04.2007.
  23. 150thYear of 1857- MANUSHA and SDPT College Kateel- 25.08.2007.
  24. University Level Seminar on Freedom Struggle- MANUSHA – Sri Dhavala College Moodabidri, 18.10.2007.
  25. University level Seminar on Cultural Studies, VIKAS-University College Mangalore 30.03.2007.
  26. History of Tulu Nadu, Karnataka Itihasa Academy at Barakuru, 18.02.2007.
  27. Regional Conference on Bharatiya Itihasa Sankalana Smithi at Udupi 05.02.2006
  28. National Seminar on IDEA OF INDIA, Indian Institute of Languages, Mysore and Manipal University, 15.04.2007.
  29. University Level Workshop on Ambedkar Writings, Dr. Ambedkar Study Centre Mangalore.05.01.2007
  30. State Level Seminar on History of Karnataka, MANUSHA -SDPT College Kateel, 13.08.2005.
  31. National Seminar on Art and Culture, UGC and Government of Karnataka Bangalore, 25.01.2005.
  32. Participated in the Seminar / workshop organized by Milagres College Kallianpur, Udupi, ‘Developmental Plans and Marginalized Sections’ on 30thSeptember, 2006
  33. Participated in the National Seminar: “Are India’s Development Programmes Women Oriented?” organized by Besant Women’s College,
  34. National Youth Festival, Mangalore, held at T.V.Raman Pai Memorial Hall, Kodialbail, Mangalore, on 12thand 13th January 2007.
  35. Participated in the National Seminar “Globalization and Dalits”, organized by the centre for Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Studies, Mangalore University, Konaje, held on 22nd& 23rd February, 2007.
  36. Participated in the Research Conference conducted by Rashtrakavi Govinda Pai Research Center, Udupi, on 22-7-2011
  37. University level seminar on the protection of monuments held Sri Dhavala College Moodabidri. 2013-14
  38. Participated in national convention on higher education -AMUCT-at St Aloysius College Mangalore -30-6-2013
  39. Regional Seminar on  EPIGRAPHS OF TULUNADU  Govinda Pai Samshodhana Kendra Udupi,
  40. Honoured by AIFUCTO president along with other dignitaries on the occasion of AGB of AMUCT,  Mangalore University College Teachers Association,  held at SDM College of Management, Mangalore on 20-7 2011, for rendering outstanding service and achieving State Award in NSS.  2011-12
  41. Participated in the Research Conference conducted by Rashtrakavi Govinda Pai Research Center, Udupi, on 22-7-2011.
  42. Honoured on the occasion of Annual General Body Meeting of Padmasshali Vidhyasvardhaka Sangha Udupi, held on 17-10-2011 for outstanding contribution in the field of social service.
  43. Participated in the a pre PhD Colloquium, held at Rashtrakavi Govinda Pai Research Center, Udupi on 12.8.2011
  44. Rovers Basic Training programme organized by Bharat Scout and Guide Udupi Dist. Unit  at Kadiyali on 28-8-2012
  45. Attended Rovers Meeting organized by Bharat Scout and Guide Udupi Dist. Unit Mount Rosary School Kallianpur on 14-9-2012.
  46. Participated in Rovers Basic Training held at Besant Park Doddaballapur, Bangalore  organized by Bharat scout and Guide Karnataka from 8.12.2012 to 15.12.2012
  47. Participated in the Central valuation of KPSCP Examinationfrom16-1-2013 to 19-1-2013 at Bangalore.
  48. Participated in the National Conference of Sahakara Bharati 2013 held at Bangalore on 17th, 18th, 19th Jan. 2013.
  49. Participated in National Jamboree of Bharat Scouts and Guides held at Mysore- Karnataka State Rally from 1-1- 2017 to 3-1-2017. Also honoured on the occasion.
  50. Jayaram Shettigar HOD History participated in Two Day national seminar on “Post Colonialism and Twenty First Century Literature” and presided over a paper presentation session in the same programme organized Department of English Milagres College Kallianpur, on 30-3-2017 and 31-3-2017.
  51. Participated in Two Day National Conference on “Reconstruction of Social History source Matters” held at Rani Abbakka Tulu Adhyaayana Kendra BC Road Bantwal on 3rdand 4th April 2017
  52. Participated in Two day International Conference on FIRST WORLD WAR held at St Aloysius College Mangalore on 5thand 6th
  53. Participation as an Officer in National Level Rover Ranger Moot held at Mangalore organised by Bharat Scouts and Guides Karnataka from 28-12-2017 to o1-01-2018.
  54. Participated in World Environment Day on 5thJune 2017 at Vajapeye Sabhangana DC’s Office Manipal..
  55. As a Headquarters Commissioner participated in Annual General Body Meting Udupi District Association of Bharat Scouts and Guides Udupi at held on 25thJuly 2017.
  56. Participated in the National Seminar on TALA SAMUDAYADA SAMSKRITIKA SANCHAKLANA’ held at MGM College Udupi on 11-8-2018.
  57. Attended a special Lecture of Mr. Sainath on Rural Digital India at Udupi on 20-8-2018.
  58. Participated in World Tourism Day celebrated on 27 Sept 2017 organised by the Department of Tourism Udupi District Government of Karnataka held at Rajatdri Manipal.
  59. participated in Gandhi Jayanthi- All Faith Prayer and Cleaning Programme  October 2nd in front of Gandhi Statue at Malpe Beach organised by the  Bharat Scouts and Guides  Udupi District  Association
  60. Participated in the International conference of Human Rights held at Government first Grade College Kota
  61. Attended a Three Day National Level Conference on IQAC organized by the IQAC Christ University Bangalore and presented a Paper on Mid Day Meal Scheme: A Best Practice Benchmarking at Milagres College Kallianpur, Karnataka.

IV Publications – Books/Articles:

  1. ‘From Jahangir to Decline of the Mughals’, Charitre samputa, published by Kannada University Hampi, 2006.
  2. Editor, Democracy Human Rights Vol. II Published by Milagres College Kallianpur, 2015.
  3. Editor, Miracles College Annual Magazine Published by Milagres College Kallianpur, 2016.
  4. Editor, RAJATA PAADMA, silver jubilee memorial book of DK District Padmasshali Vidhyasvardhaka Sangha, 2015.
  5. Member of Editorial Board, RAJATAMBA GANAPA silver jubilee memorial book of Sarvajanika Ganeshostava Samiti Ambagilu, 2014.
  6. Member of Editorial Board, SUVARNA SHARADE, Golden jubilee memorial book of Sharada high school Cherkady, 2014.
  7. Member of Editorial Board, PADAMPAATRA a bimonthly magazine of Padmasshali Mahasabha, Udupi.
  8. “PanchalingeshwaraTemples of Tulunadu” published by PanchalingeshwaraTemples Vittla,
  9. “Buddhism in Tulunadu” published by MSRS College Shriva,

10.Udupi. Udupi Parisarada Shasanagalalli mahileyaru” published by Karnataka Itihasa Academy, Bangalore.’

11.’Buddhism in Tulunadu’, published by MSRS College, Shirva. 2011. Udupiya shaasanookta mahileyaru, published by Karnataka Itihasa Academy, Bangalore, 2012.

12.Epigraphical References to Temple renovation in Udupi, published by St. Mary’s College Shirva. Udupi, 2012.

13.’Panchalingeshwara Temples of Tulunadu’, published by Panchalingeswara Temple Committee Vitla, Mangalore. 2012.

14.Alupa Vijayanagara Shaasanagalalli Mahileyaru, published by Department of Women Studies, Milagres College Kallianpur, 2013.

15.’Ganesh Cult in Tulunadu’, published by Ambagilu Ganeshostava Samithi Udupi 2013.

16.Cherkady its History and Culture, published by Sharada High School Cherkady. 2013.

  1. Nationalism and Political Struggle Gandhi Vivekananda Dialogue’ published by Sri Mahavira College Moodabidri, 2014.
  2. Gandhi kanda Vivekananda published by Sri Sharada College Basruru. 2014.

19.‘Yuvakareke sanghatakaraagabeku’ article published by PADMAPATRA  a monthly magazine, Aug.2017.

  1. Karavali Karnatakada Shaasanookta shettigararu’ article published by PADMAPATRA  a monthly magazine, Jan. 2018

21.Member of Editorial Board, PADAMLEKHA a quarterly magazine of Padmasshali Mahasabha, Udupi.

22.Member of Editorial Board YOUTH MEET 2014 Smarana sanchike BSG Karnataka.

  1. Rajata Padma, Souvenir – Padmasshali Vidhyasvardhaka Sangha, Udupi- Edited
  2. Yuvakareke sanghatakaraagabeku’ article published by PADMAPATRA  a monthly magazine, Aug.2017.
  1. Resource Person
  2. Tour Managers Training, as trainer, organized by Dept. of Tourism & Apna Holiday, UPMC Udupi on 3.12.2007.
  3. Interview Technique, NSS Mangalore University at MGM College Udupi, 09.09.2007.
  4. Consumer Awareness Programme, NSS Mangalore University SMS College Brahmavar30.09.2007.
  5. Aims of Life, Trainer, NSS Camp St. Lawrence Pu College Moodubelle, 05.10.2007.
  6. Republic Day Celebration TMA Pai High School Kallianpur 26.01.2008
  7. Independence day Mahaganapathi Self Help Group 15.07.2007
  8. Resource Person, NSS Orientation NSS Unit SRSMGFGC Barkuru 18.05.2005
  9. A Special lecture on Monuments Protection Dr. TMA Pai High School Kallianpur, 20.08.2005.
  10. Participated as resource person in the NSS orientation programme conducted by the NSS unit of Milagres College Kallianpur on 2-7-2011. Nearly 200 NSS volunteers participated in the programme.
  11. Participated as resource person in the Student Parliament of S.V.T. P.U. College Katapadi held on 18-7-2011.
  12. Participated as resource person in the NSS orientation programme conducted by the NSS unit of Sri Poorna Prajna Evening College, Udupi. On 30-7-2011. Nearly 150 NSS volunteers participated in the programme.
  13. Participated as resource person in the NSS Annual Special Camp of SMS Pre University College, held at Sharada High School Cherkady, on 13.10.2011
  14. Delivered a special lecture on Communal Harmony in a Programme Conducted on the occasion of Christmas Celebration at Gopalpura Santhekatte, on 26-12-2011.
  15. He also chaired the panel discussion on corruption organized by the Study Circle of the college.
  16. Inaugurated ‘STUDENT PARLIAMENT’ at TMA Pai high school Kallianpur on 27-6-2013
  17. SMS P U College Brahmavar, Topic NSS Orientation Programme 2015
  18. Mary’s College Shirva, topic Rover ranger Basic Training Programme Sri Poorna Prajna Evenig College Udupi, Topic NSS Orientation Programme on
  19. Govt, First Grade College Hiriyadka, topic Rovering and Personality Development,
  20. SMS College Brahmavar, Topic Introduction to Rovering
  21. Upendra Pai Memorial College Udupi, Topic NSS Special camp Inaugural Address
  22. Alevooru Education Trust Alevoor, Topic Scouting and Community Service-Development for School teachers
  23. Alevooru Education Trust Alevoor, Topic Spiritual Dimension to Scouting for School teachers
  24. Govt, First Grade College Hiriyadka, topic Vivekananda and Patiotism on12-1-2015.
  25. ‘Role of Youth in Nation Building’ presentation to first degree students a Milagres college Kallianpur.   on 21.6.2013
  26. Participated as Judge in the Inter collegiate elocution competition on the ‘Contribution of Bharata Ratna Sir M. Vishweswarayya    at MSRS College shirva-3-10-2013
  27. Parliamentary Democracy at Dr. TMA Pai High School Kallianpur.
  28. Career guidance at Milagres PU College Kallianpur
  29. Orientation programme to the NSS Volunteers at Milagres College Kallianpur.
  30. Bhoodan Movement of Vinonbha Bhave  at Milagres  PU  College  Kallianpur,
  31. Career guidance at Govt. PU College Kokkarne,
  32. Career guidance at SDPT PU College Mandarthi, J) Debating Skills at SMS College Brahmavar.
  33. Participated as resource person in the NSS orientation programme conducted by the NSS unit of Milagres College Kallianpur on 2-7-2011.
  34. Participated as resource person in the Student Parliament of S.V.T. P.U. College Katapadi, held on 18-7-2011.
  35. Participated as resource person in the NSS orientation programme conducted by the NSS unit of Sri Poornaprajna Evening college, Udupi on 30-7-2011.
  36. Delivered a special lecture on Communal Harmony in a Programme Conducted on the occasion of Christmas Celebration at Gopalpura Santhekatte, on 26-12-2011.
  37. He also chaired the panel discussion on corruption organized by the Study Circle of the college.
  38. Participated as resource person in the NSS Annual Special Camp of SMS Pre University College, held at Sharada High School Cherkady, on 13.10.2011
  39. Delivered a special lecture on human values in the orientation programme organized by Milagres P U College Kallianpur, on 3-7-2012.
  40. Participated as resource person in the Communal Harmony Day and delivered a special lecture on Communal Harmony, organized by  NSS Unit of G.F.G. College Tenkanidiyoor on 5-9-2012
  41. Delivered a special lecture on “How to Face Examination” in the programme organized for Second PU Students at Govt. PU College Kokkarne, organized by Rotary Club Barkuru, on 16.2.2013.
  42. Yuva Spandana, interview in Spandana, a Local TV Channel along with Dr. Gananath Ekkar, the coordinator NSS Mangalore University, on NSS Day on 24-9-2012.
  43. “Gandhi and Malaviya” a special Lecture delivered in Milagres College, organized by Humanities Association on the occasion of 150thBirth Anniversary of M.M. Malaviya, on 17-9- 2012.
  44. Delivered a special lecture on “Symbols of Gandhi” in the programme on “International Day of Nonviolence” organized by Students Welfare Council, Milagres College Kallianpur, on 2-10-2012.
  45. Participated as Trainer in the HRD programme organized by  the NSS  unit of Vidhyanikethana PU College Kaup on9-10-2012.
  46. Participated as Chief Guest in the Independence Day Programme at Santhekatte organised by Auto Rickshaw Owners and Drivers Association, Santhekatte.
  47. Resource person Swachcchta Abhiyaan Program at Govt First Grade College Hiriadka.
  48. Resource person on the inauguration of Rovers and Rangers Unit at Govt. P. U. College Shankaranarana, Kundapura.
  49. Presided over Mangalore University Level conference on National Integration held at Govt. First Grade College Kota.
  50. Resource person at Youth Day programme at Scout Guide Training center at Manipal.
  51. Chief Guest in the Independence Day Programme at Santhekatte organised by Auto Rickshaw Owners and Drivers Association, Santhekatte.
  52. Resource for the Career guidance Seminar Organised by Career Guidence Cell of Our College and Catholic Sabha Kallianpur at Milagres PU College.
  53. Resource person Swachcchta Abhiyaan Program at Govt First Grade College Hiriadka.
  54. Resource person on the inauguration of Rovers and Rangers Unit at Govt. P. U. College Shankaranarana, Kundapura.
  55. Presided over Mangalore University Level conference on National Integration held at Govt. First Grade College Kota.
  56. Resource person at Youth Day programme at Scout Guide Training Center at Manipal.
  57. Resource person at POWER PARBHA-2016, a unique programme organized by Women Entrepreneurs of Udupi District at Ravindra Mantapa Udupi.
  58. Resource in the Career Guidance programme organized by Catholic Sabha Udupi, Kallianpur at Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 2.7.2016
  59. Participated as a Resource Person in the Environment Protection programme jointly organized by NSS unit, NCC Unit, Rovers and Rangers Units, Forest Department, Catholic Sabha Udupi, Kallianpur at Milagres  College Kallianpur on 12.7.2016
  60. Participated as a Resource Person in the  Orientation Programme  for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by Rover- Ranger Units of Milagres PU College Kallianpur on29.7.2016
  61. Resource person in the Competence Building Initiative a Mangalore University Level Programme jointly organized by MANUSHA Mangalore University Level History Teachers Association and Department of History  at   Milagres  College Kallianpur on 30-7-2016
  62. Delivered a special Lecture on the topic “Youth and Social Development” in the  annual General Body Meeting of  Padmasshali Sangha Sasthana on 11-8-2016
  63. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Department of History Milagres College Kallianpur and Delivered a special lecture on “ Contributions of Devarj Ures”   at   Milagres  College Kallianpur on 16.8.2016
  64. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Federation of Backward Class Mangalore at Narayana Guru First Grade College Mangalore and deliverd a special lecture on “The Social Reforms of D. Devarj Ures” on the occasion of Birth Centenary Celebration of Sri D. Devarj Urs former Chief Minister of Karnataka on 21.8.2016.
  65. Delivered a special Lecture on the topic “Role of Temple Trustees” at Shettigar Samavesha a programme organized by DK District Padmasshali Mahasabha (Reg) Mangalore at Ammanni Ramanna Shetty Sabha Bhavan Udupi on 28-8-2016.
  66. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Department of History Milagres College Kallianpur and Delivered a special lecture on “ Teachings of  Sri Narayana Guru” in the programme jointly  organized on the occasion of Birth Day of Sri Narayana Guru a great social Reformer of Modern India on 15-9-2016.
  67. Participated as a Resource Person in the ‘District Level Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association Udupi District, held at Government First Grade College Hiriyadka, Karnataka on20.9.2016.
  68. Resource Person and delivered  a special lecture on the topic “Youth and National Integration” on the occasion of NSS Day Celebration, in the programme organized by the NSS Unit of Government First Grade College Tenkanidiyoor Udupi on 24-9-2016
  69. Participated as a Resource Person in the programme organized at Rover- Ranger Units of Bhandarkars Arts and Science College Kundapur, and took a session on “Rovering for Youths” on 28.9.2016.
  70. Participated as a Resource Person in the Refresher Course for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by Rover- Ranger Units of Milagres PU College Kallianpur on16.12.2016.
  71. Resource person in the Career Guidance programme organized by Catholic Sabha Udupi, Kallianpur at Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 2.7.2016.
  72. Participated as a Resource Person in the Environment Protection programme jointly organized by NSS unit, NCC Unit, Rovers and Rangers Units, Forest Department, Catholic Sabha Udupi, Kallianpur at Milagres College Kallianpur on 12.7.2016.
  73. Participated as a Resource Person in the Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by Rover- Ranger Units of Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 29.7.2016.
  74. Resource person in the ‘Competence Building Initiative’, Mangalore University Level Programme jointly organized by MANUSHA Mangalore University Level History Teachers Association and Department of History at Milagres College Kallianpur on 30-7-2016 for the students of the colleges of Mangalore University area.
  75. Delivered a special Lecture on the topic “Youth and Social Development” in the annual General Body Meeting of Padmasshali Sangha Sasthana on 11-8-2016.
  76. Resource Person in the programme jointly organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore UniversityHistory Teachers Association and Government First Grade College Kota, Kundapur and delivered  a special lecture on “ Land Reforms of D. Devarj Ures” on the occasion of Birth Centenary Celebration of Sri D. Devarj Ures, the  former Chief Minister of Karnataka, on 13.8.2016.
  77. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Department of History Milagres College Kallianpur and delivered a special lecture on “Contributions of Devarj Ures” at   Milagres College Kallianpur on 16.8.2016.
  78. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Federation of Backward Classes of Udupi and Mangalore Districts at Sri Narayana Guru First Grade College Mangalore and delivered a special lecture on “The Social Reforms of D. Devaraj Urs” on the occasion of Birth Centenary Celebration of Sri D. Devarj Urs, the former Chief Minister of Karnataka, on 21.8.2016.
  79. Delivered a special Lecture on the topic “Role of Temple Trustees” at Shettigar Samavesha a programme organized by DK District Padmasshali Mahasabha (Reg) Mangalore at Ammanni Ramanna Shetty Sabha Bhavan Udupi on 28-8-2016.
  80. Participated as one of the member in the panel of judges in state level Talents Competition of High school students held at held at Trinity School Perampalli, on 11-09-2016.
  81. Participated as the resource person and delivered a special lecture on  “Contributions of Sri Narayana Guru” in the programme jointly  organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University  History Teachers Association and Mulki Sunder Ram Shetty College Shirva , Karnataka on the occasion of Birth Day of Sri Narayana Guru a great social Reformer of Modern India, on 13-9-2016.
  82. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Department of History Milagres College Kallianpur and delivered a special lecture on “Teachings of Sri Narayana Guru” in the programme jointly organized on the occasion of Birth Day of Sri Narayana Guru a great social Reformer of Modern India, on 15-9-2016.
  83. Participated as a Resource Person in the ‘District Level Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association Udupi District, held at Government First Grade College Hiriyadka, Karnataka on 20.9.2016.
  84. Participated as a Resource Person and delivered a special lecture on the topic “Youth and National Integration” on the occasion of NSS Day Celebration, in the programme organized by the NSS Unit of Government First Grade College Tenkanidiyoor, Udupi, on 24-9-2016.
  85. He has organized a workshop at Milagres College on “Revisiting the Vision and Mission” in which the Management, staff, PTA, Alumina, and IQAC of the college has participated.
  86. RSL Dr. Jayaram Shettigar along with the volunteers, have participated as volunteers in the Medical Camp at Mandarthi organised by the Alumni of Milagres College Kallianpur in association with various clubs and associations on 25-9-2016.
  87. Participated as a Resource Person in the programme organized at Rover- Ranger Units of Bhandarkars Arts and Science College Kundapur, and took a session on “Rovering for Youths” on 28.9.2016.
  88. He has organized an Orientation Course for Young Teachers of Milagres College Kallianpur on 18-10-2016.
  89. Participated in Cub Bulbul Ustava 2016 held at Trinity School Perampalli, on 9-11-2016.
  90. Participated as a Resource Person in the Refresher Course for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by Rover- Ranger Units of Milagres PU College Kallianpur on16.12.2016.
  91. Participated as an officer in the National Jamboree of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, held at Adakana Halli Mysore, organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Karnataka. 31-12-2016 to 3-1- 2017.
  92. He has participated in the regional conference, “Tulunada Garadigala sammelana” organized by Tingale Prathisthana  Sitanadi Hebri  at Ammanni Ramanna Shetty Sabha Bhavan, Udupi on 28-1-2017.
  93. Participated as a Assistant Leader of the Two Day Rovers and Rangers District Level Nature Study and Trucking Camp held at Jombli Forest Santhekatte Hebri, organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association Udupi District on 24-2-2017and 25-2-2017.
  94. Jayaram Shettigar HOD History preside over Students conference on Ambedkar held in 2017. The programme was jointly organized by the Department of Media Publicity and Public Relation Government of Karnataka and SC & ST Cell of the college.
  95. He has organized the second workshop on “Revisiting the Vision and Mission” on 09-03 2017 in which the Management, staff, and IQAC has participated.
  96. . He has participated in three day BOE Meeting held at GFGC Kavoor from 6-3-2017 to 8.3.2017.
  97. He has organized Mangalore University Inter Collegiate Fine Arts Competition ‘Kalasinchana 2017’ in Association with Directorate of Students Welfare Mangalore University on 14-3-2017 in which student of seventeen colleges of Mangalore University.
  98. Jayaram Shettigar HOD History preside over Students conference on “Demonetization: Its Socio Economic Impact”. A programme jointly organized by Mangalore Sociology Association and Department of Sociology Milagres College Kallianpur on17-3-2017 in which 23 students presented their research papers.
  99. RSL Dr. Jayaram Shettigar has participated as the resource person in One Day Programme on Advancement in Rovering held at MPM College Manipal on   27-3-2017.
  100. Completed Seven Day Himalayan Wood Badge Course for Rover Scout Leader held at National Training Center Pachmarhi Madhya Pradesh from 16-5-2017 to 22 -5- 2017
  • Trainer for SEVEN DAY RSL BASIC COURSE held at BSG National Training Center Kondajji, Davanager, Karnataka organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides Karnataka from 3-102017 to 9-10-2017.
  • Resource person at the Career Guidance Program at Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 15thJuly2018
  • Resource person at NSS Basic Training Programme at Dr. G Shankar Govt First Grade College Udupi on 19thJuly 2018.
  • Resource person on the Topic ‘Safety Measures on Beach and Riverside” in the Programme organized by NSS Unit of Milagres College Kallianpur on 20-9-2017.
  • The resource person on the Topic ‘Basic Guidelines of the Camp”  at the Training Camp for Scout Master held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 10-10-2017.
  • The resource person on the Topic ‘History of Scouting”  at Basic Training Programme for Scout Master held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 11-10-2017.
  • The resource person on the Topic ‘Spiritual Dimension to Scouting”  at Basic Training Programme for Scout Master held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 12-10-2017.
  • Participated as the resource person Valedictory programme of PRERANA a State level five day camp for Rangers held at held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 11-10-2017.
  • The resource person in the SURF SMART, inter collegiate training programme on Social Networking held at Kamala Bai High school Kadiyali Udupi.
  • Resource person Rover Ranger Camp and delivered a special lecture on Advancement in Rovering held at held at Dr V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 17-10-2017.
  • Participated as one of the guest in the District Rally of Scouts and Guides held at Barkuru on 6th& 7thJanuary 2018.
  • Trainer at Leadership Training programme organised by Literary Club SMS College Brahmavar on 9thJan. 2018.
  • leader of two Paryaya Service Camp at Udupi on17th&18thJanuary 2018
  • Delivered a special lecture on ‘Place Names of Karkala Taluk’ at Sri Bhuvanendra College Karkala on 8-2-2018.
  • Took a session on WHAT AFTER SECOND PUC at Govt. PU College Udupi on 15thJan 2018.
  • ‘CAREER GUIDANCE CLASS for PU Students at Govt. Girls PU College Udupi 15thJan 2018.
  • Resource person on CAREER GUIDANCE at Sri Durgeparameshwari P U College Mandarthi
  • Resource on Mangalore University Level Monuments Survey Competition held at Poorna Prajna College Udupi. Feb.2018.
  • Resource person on the topic FREEDOM MOVEMENT IN DAKSHINA KANNADA for the post graduate students at Post Graduate and Research Center Tenkanidiyoor Udupi 0n 11thMarch 2018.
  • Resource person on the topic MODERN  DAKSHINA  KANNADA  for  the  post graduate students at Post Graduate and Research Center Tenkanidiyoor Udupi 0n 18thMarch 2018r
  • The leader of District Level   Three day Agricultural Camp Organised  by Bharat Scouts and Guides  Karnataka Udupi District   at Farm House Kota.
  • Assistant Leader of the three day Rover Mate Camp held at Camp at District Training Center Pragati Nagar Manipal.
  • Assistant Leader at five day State Level Adventure and Pioneering Camp held at District Training Center Pragati Nagar Manipal.   27-8-2018 to 30-8-2018
  • Participated as a resource person In the Information Course for Principals, RSL and RL organize by Bharat Scouts and Guides, Karnataka State at Bharat Scouts and Guides Auditorium Lalbagh Mangalore.
  • Participated as a resource person in one day university level seminar on Gandhi and Making of Modern India organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association at Govt. First Grade College Kaup on 30thJanuary 2019.
  • Participated as a resource person in the State level Basic Training Programme for Rover Scout Leaders held at Bharat Scouts and Guides District Training Centre Pragatinagar, Manipal
  • Participated as a resource person in the State level Advanced Training Programme for Scout Masters and Guide Captains held  at Bharat Scouts and Guides District Training Centre Pragatinagar, Manipal
  • Participated as a resource person in the Seminar organized on the occasion of ALUPOOSTAV, Organised by the Govt. of Karnataka, held at Barkuru Moola Samsthana, Barkuru on 26-01- 2019.
  • Participated as a resource person in the Seminar organized on the occasion of ALUPOOSTAV, Organised by the Udupi District Administration on behalf of  of Karnataka, held at Smt Rukmini Shedti Memorial Govt, First Grade College Barkuru on 27 -01- 2019.
  • Participated as a resource person in the State level Five Days Nature Study and Trucking programme organized at Shirsi Uttara Kannada District and he was also leader of that Camp.
  • Participated as a resource person in the NSS Orientation Programme held at Dr. G Shankar Govt. First grade College for Women and Post Graduate study Center Ajjarkad Udupi.
  • Participated as a resource person in the NSS Orientation Programme held at Sri Bhuvanendra College Karkala
  • Participated as a resource person in the Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers at St Marys College Shirva.
  • Participated as a resource person in the Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers at Dr. G Shankar Govt. First grade College for Women and Post Graduate study Center Ajjarkad Udupi.
  • Participated as a resource person in the Udupi District Level Rally of Scouts, Guides, Rovers and Rangers held at Trinity Central School Perampalli Udupi.
  • Participated as a resource person in the Youth Day Programme for NSS Volunteers, Rovers and Rangers at St Marys College Shirva.
  • Participate as the resource person for IQAC SSR Preparation at SMS College Brahmavar.
  • Resource Person -Mangalore University Level Seminar Topic “Tourism in India”, held at Shri Gokarnatheshwar College Mangalore
  • Resource Person -Mangalore University Level Seminar Topic. “Debates in Indian History- Feudalism in India, held at Milagres College Kallianpur
  • Resource Person at the State Level RL and  RSL Conference  Topic, “Advancement in Rovering and Rangering”
  • Resource Person at the State Level Rover Rangers Moot Topic, “ Time Management”
  • Conducted State Level Quiz Competition on Scouting.
  • Presented Paper on ‘Epigraphical Reference to Queens of Tulunadu’ at Rani Abbakka Ustava Held at University College Mangalore.
  • Resource Person on NSS Orientation Programme at Government First Grade College Tenkanidiyoor, Udupi.
  • Resource Person on NSS Orientation Programme at B B Hedge First Grade College Mabukala Brahmavar.
  • Preside over the Geetha Gayana programme held at Silas International School Udupi.
  • Resource person in the National Seminar organised by the department of Ancient History and Archaeology MSRS College Shirva.


VI E-Content:

Developed 14 E-content of III BA V Semester History of Europe Mangalore University under LMS Project of Dept. of Collegiate Education.


VII. Participation in College and other Academic Bodies:

Academic year 2020-2021

  1. IQAC Coordinator of the College
  2. Rover Scout Leader HWB
  3. Staff Advisor Alumni Association
  4. Joint Secretary Parent’s Teachers Association
  5. Member Karnataka Itihasa academy, Bangalore.
  6. Member Indian History Congress, New Delhi
  7. Treasurer MANUSHA – Mangalore University History Teachers Association
  8. Treasurer – AMUCT- Association of Mangalore University College Teachers. Milagres College Unit From1995 to 2020
  9. Director Students Welfare Council
  10. Convener Test and Examination
  11. NSS Programme Officer
  12. Editor College Magazine
  13. Convener – AMUCT- Association of Mangalore University College Teachers. Milagres College Unit


VIII Participation in Non Academic Bodies:

Academic year 2020-2021

  1. Founder Director Mathrushree Sauhardha sahakari Sangha. Brahmavar.
  2. Managing Trustee Sri Brahmalinga Virabhadra Durgaparameswari Temple, Barakuru.
  3. Vice President, The Bharat Scouts and Guides Local Association Kallianpur
  4. Joint Secretary, The Bharat Scouts and Guides Karnataka Udupi District Association.
  5. Member of Consumers Forum, Udupi.
  6. Member of ‘Rathabeedi Geleyaru’ A cultural Organization, Udupi.
  7. Member AMUCT- Association of Mangalore University College Teachers.
  8. EC Member Old Students Association SMS College Brahmavar- Secretary.
  9. Mundikinjaddu Milk Producers Cooperative Society- Founder President- Director from 1995 to 2020
  10. General Secretary- Sri BrahmalingaVirabhadra Durgaparameswari Temple Renovation Committee Barkuru.
  11. Trustee- Sri Brahmalinga Virabhadra Durgeparameshwari Temple Barkuru.
  12. Temple city Jaycees Udupi – Secretary.
  13. Mangalore University Board of Examination- Member
  14. Member Indian Red Cross Society, Udupi unit.
  15. MANUSHA – Mangalore University History Teachers Association – general Secretary for two terms.


IX T V. Programme

  1. Varada Atithi in ‘U’ Channel T V – May 2012
  2. Yuva Spandana, interview in Spandana, TV Channel along with Dr. Gananath Ekkar, the Coordinator NSS Mangalore University, on NSS Day on 24-9-2012.
  3. Independence Day message –Spandana T V 14-8-2013
  4. Spandana TV Discussion on “Indian Prime ministers of India” on the occasion of swearing in ceremony of Narendra Modi as  Prime Minister of Indiaon 26 May 2014.

5.’ Special Interview ‘   on 29th July 2017 E TV

6. Independence Day programme – 15thAug 2017. Mukta TV

7. 15thAug 2017- “Bharata Mantana, Why I love India?” a special programme Mukta TV on 18th Sept 2017.

8. Namma TV Rover Ranger- Namma Nadige KrishiYadege 21-7-2017’

9. COVID19 and its impact on education live debate in Spandana T V Channel on 05-4-2020

10. Chandana Vahini Kannada National TV Independence Day Programme. 15-8-2020

  1. MANGALORE UNIVERSITY BEST NSS OFFICER AWARD- 2008. For the outstanding contribution in the field of national Service Scheme.
  2. “ KARNATAKA STATE BEST NSS OFFICER AWARD 2009  by  the Govt. of Karnataka, by His Excellency the Governor of Karnataka
  3. Leader, Karnataka State NSS Contingent in the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi in January 2009. Sponsored by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Government of India.
  5. UPARASHTRAPATI AWARD: Selected by Bharat Scouts and Guides, for Uparahtrapati Award.
  6. Honoured on the occasion on the National Jamboree of  Bharat Scouts and Guides held at Mysore- Karnataka State Rally from 1-1- 2017 to 3-1-2017
  7. Appointed as Headquarters Commissioner Udupi District Association of Bharat Scouts and Guides Karnataka.
  8. Honoured by the Managing Trustee for outstanding service  as the General secretary  of the Temple   Renovation Committee of 700years old Sri Brahmalinga Virabhadra Temple Barakuru- may-2005
  9. Honoured Youth Club  Karje- for excellent  organization of NSS Special Ten day  annual camp-2006
  10. Milk Co-operative Society Cherkady on the occasion of AGB and New Building Inauguration, 2007-being the founder president of the Society.
  11. Veereshwara Seva Samithi Barkuru  Annual General Body Meeting 19.02.2008 for obtaining NSS University Award
  12. Honoured by Bhagyodaya Trust, Mathura Uttara Pradesh, for outstanding service in NSS.
  13. Honoured by the Sri Durgeparameshwari Mahila Sangha Barkuru on Feb. 2009, for leading Karnataka State NSS Contingent in the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi Jan 2009
  14. Honoured by MLA Kundapur Sri Haladi Srinivasa shetty in the annual Sports Day Programme at Barkuru for leading Karnataka State NSS Contingent in the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi Jan 2009.
  15. Honoured by the PTA Milagres college on the occasion of AGB of 2010,for achieving  State Award 2009
  16. Honoured by Vireswarhaseva samithi   Barkuru, for achieving NSS State Award – 2009 on Feb 2010.
  17. Honoured by of Milagres college, for  for achieving  State Award 2009, on the occasion of AGB of Sept 2010,
  18. Honoured in the ABG of Padmashali Samaja Seva Sangha Sasthana For obtaining State Award in NSS.- August
  19. Felicitated by Sarvajanika Ganeshostava Samithi Barkuru for achieving State Award in NSS. – Sept.
  20. Honoured by AIFUCTO president along with other dignitaries on the occasion of AGB of AMUCT,  Mangalore University College Teachers Association,  held at SDM College of Management, Mangalore on 20-7 2011, for rendering outstanding service and achieving State Award in NSS.
  21. Honoured on the occasion of Annual General Body Meeting of Padmasshali Vidhyasvardhaka Sangha Udupi, held on 17-10-2011 for outstanding contribution in the field of social service.
  22. Felicitated Ramanavami Ustava at Sri Virabhadra Temple Kallianpur, for achieving State Award in NSS.-
  23. Felicitated in the Annual Day Celebration of Sneha tutorial College Udupi on 21-1-2013. For obtaining PhD and achieving State Award in NSS.
  24. Felicitated in the Annual Day Celebration Programme Milagres College on 8.2.2013, for receiving Ph.D. Degree.
  25. Felicitated by MAUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association, on the occasion of AGB for obtaining PhD Degree may -2013
  26. Honoured at Rashtrakavi Govinda Pai Research Center Udupi. For obtaining Ph.D.
  27. Honoured in the AGB of AMUCT, Mangalore University College Teachers Association,  held at St Aloysius College, Mangalore on July  2013, for obtaining PhD Degree.- July  2013
  28. DK District Padmasshali Mahasabha Felicitated in its AGB at Kinnogoli, For obtaining PhD –July  2013
  29. Honoured by Udupi MLA Sri Promod Madhwaraj and the Persident and Members PTA Milagres college on the occasion of AGB of 2013
  30. Felicitated in the ABG of Padmasshali Samaja Seva Sangha Koteswara, Kundapura For obtaining PhD and achieving State Award in NSS.- August
  31. Honoured by the Alumni Association of Milagres college on the occasion of AGB of 2013, forobtaining PhD Degree –Oct-2013.
  32. Vidhyasvardhaka Sangha Reg Udupi 21-7-2013
  33. Vakwadi Hosamae Family , Vakwadi Kundapur 28-7-2013
  34. Padmashali Seva Sangha Koteswara  Sept-2013
  35. Katnataka Iithasa Academy –Mythic Society Bangalore-21-9-2013
  36. Parents Teachers Association Milagres College- August-2013
  37. Alumni Association  Milagres College Kallianpur 5-10-2013


  1. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar- Academic Profile – 2016-2017.Attended a Three Day National Level Conference on IQAC organized by the IQAC Christ University Bangalore and presented a Paper on Mid Day Meal Scheme: A Best Practice Benchmarking at Milagres College Kallianpur, Karnataka.
  2. Resource person in the Career Guidance programme organized by Catholic Sabha Udupi, Kallianpur at Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 2.7.2016.
  3. Participated as a Resource Person in the Environment Protection programme jointly organized by NSS unit, NCC Unit, Rovers and Rangers Units, Forest Department, Catholic Sabha Udupi, Kallianpur at Milagres College Kallianpur on 12.7.2016.
  4. Participated as a Resource Person in the Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by Rover- Ranger Units of Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 29.7.2016.
  5. Resource person in the ‘Competence Building Initiative’, Mangalore University Level Programme jointly organized by MANUSHA Mangalore University Level History Teachers Association and Department of History at Milagres College Kallianpur on 30-7-2016 for the students of the colleges of Mangalore University area.
  6. Delivered a special Lecuture on the topic “Youth and Social Development” in the annual General Body Meeting of Padmashali Sangha Sasthana on 11-8-2016.
  7. Resource Person in the programme jointly organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association and Government First Grade Coll;ege Kota , Kundapur and deliverd  a special lecture on “ Land Reforms of D. Devaraj Urs” on the occasion of Birth Centenary Celebration of Sri D. Devarj Urs, the  former Chief Minister of Karnataka, on 13.8.2016.
  8. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Department of History Milagres College Kallianpur and Delivered a special lecture on “ Contributions of Devaraj Urs” at Milagres  College Kallianpur on 16.8.2016.
  9. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Federation of Backward Classes of Udupi and Mangalore Districts, at Sri Narayana Guru First Grade College Mangalore and deliverd a special lecture on “ The Social Reforms of D. Devaraj Urs” on the occasion of Birth Centenary Celebration of Sri D. Devarj Urs,  the former Chief Minister of Karnataka, on 21.8.2016.
  10. Delivered a special Lecuture on the topic “Role of Temple Trustees” at Shettigar Samavesha a programme organized by DK District Padmashali Mahasabha (Reg) Mangalore at Ammanni Ramanna Shetty Sabha Bhavan Udupi on 28-8-2016.
  11. Participated as one of the member in the panel of judges in state level Talents Compitition of High school students held at held at Trinity School Perampalli, on 11-09-2016.
  12. Participated as the resopurce person and delivered a special lecture on “Contributions of Sri Narayana Guru” in the programme jointly organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University  History Teachers Association and Mulki Sundar Ram Shetty College Shirva , Karnataka on the occasion of Birth Day of Sri Narayana Guru a great social Reformer of Modern India, on 13-9-2016.
  13. Resource Person in the programme organized by the Department of History Milagres College Kallianpur and delivered a special lecture on “Teachings of Sri Narayana Guru” in the programme jointly organized on the occasion of Birth Day of Sri Narayana Guru a great social Reformer of Modern India, on 15-9-2016.
  14. Participated as a Resource Person in the ‘District Level Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association Udupi District, held at Government First Grade College Hiriyadka, Karnataka on 20.9.2016.
  15. Participated as a Resource Person and delivered a special lecture on the topic “Youth and National Integration” on the occasion of NSS Day Celebration, in the programme organized by the NSS Unit of Government First Grade College Tenkanidiyoor, Udupi, on 24-9-2016.
  16. He has organized a workshop at Milagres College on “Revisiting the Vision and Mission” in which the Management, staff, PTA, Alumina, and IQAC of the college has participated.
  17. RSL Dr. Jayaram Shettigar along with the volunteers, have participated as volunteers in the Medical Camp at Mandarti organised by the Alumni of Milagrs College Kallianpur in association with various clubs and associations on 25-9-2016.
  18. Participated as a Resource Person in the programme organized at Rover- Ranger Units of Bhandarkars Arts and Science College Kundapur, and took a session on “Rovering for Youths” on 28.9.2016.
  19. Organized an Orientation Course for Young Teachers of Milagres College Kallianpur on 18-10-2016.
  20. Participated in Cub Bubul Ustav 2016 held at Trinity School Perampalli, on 9-11-2016.
  21. Participated as a Resource Person in the Refresher Course for Rovers and Rangers’ organized by Rover- Ranger Units of Milagres PU College Kallianpur on16.12.2016.
  22. Participated as an officer in the National Jamboree of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, held at AdakanaHalli Mysore, organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Karnataka. 31-12-2016 to 3-1- 2017.
  23. He has participated in the regional conference, “Tulunada Garadigala sammelana” organized by Tingale Prathisthana Sitanadi Hebri at Ammanni Ramanna Shetty Sabha Bhavan, Udupi on 28-1-2017.
  24. Participated as a Assistant Leader of the Two Day Rovers and Rangers District Level Nature Study and Trucking Camp held at Jombli Forest Santhekatte Hebri, organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides, District Association Udupi District on 24-2-2017and 25-2-2017.
  25. Presided over Students conference on Ambedkar held on 28-2-2017. The programme was jointly organized by the Department of Media Publicity and Public Relation Government of Karnataka and SC & ST Cell of the college.
  26. Oorganized the second workshop on “Revisiting the Vision and Mission” on 09-03 2017 in which the Management, staff, and IQAC has participated.
  27. He has participated in three day BOE Meenting held at GFGC Kavoor from 6-3-2017 to 8.3.2017.

28.Oorganized Mangalore University Inter Collegiate Fine Arts Competition ‘Kalainchana 2017’ in Association with Directorate of Students Welfare Mangalore University on 14-3-2017 in which student of seventeen colleges of Mangalore University participated.

  1. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar HOD History preside over Students conference on “Demonetization: Its Socio Economic Impact”. A programme jointly organized by Mangalore Sociology Association and Department of Sociology Milagres College Kallianpur on17-3-2017 in which 23 students presented their research papers.

30.Participated as the resource person in One Day Programme on Advancement in Rovering held at MPM College Manipal on   27-3-2017.

  1. Editor, Miracles College Annual Magazine Published by Milagres College Kallianpur, 2016.


XII. Dr. Jayaram Shettigar- Academic Profile – 2017-2018.


  1. Jayaram Shettigar is the IQAC Coordinator of the College
  2. Jayaram Shettigar has Participated in Two day International Conference on FIRST WORLD WAR held at St Aloysius college Mangalore on 5th and 6th Jan. 2018.
  3. Participated in Two day International Conference on INDIRA GHANDHI AND HER POLICIES held at St Agnes college Mangalore on 19th and 20th March . 2018.
  4. RSL Dr. Jayaram Shettigar has successfully completed Seven Day Himalayan Wood Badge Course for Rover Scout Leader held at National Training Center Pachmarhi Madhya Predesh from 16-5-2017 to 22 -5- 2017.
  5. Trainer for SEVEN DAY RSL BASIC COURSE held at BSG National Training Center Kondajji, Davanager , Karnataka organized by The Bharat Scouts and Guides Karnataka from 3-102017 to 9-10-2017.
  6. Participation as an Officer in National Level Rover Ranger Moot held at Mangalore organised by Bharat Scouts and Guides  Karnataka from 28-12-2017 to o1-01-2018.
  7. Participated in World Environment Day on 5th June 2017  at Vajapeye Sabhangana DC’s Office Manipal.
  8. Resource person at the Career Guidance Programm at Milagres PU College Kallianpur on 15th July2018
  9. Resource person at NSS Basic Training Programme at Dr. G Shankar Govt First Grade College Udupi on 19th July 2018.
  10. As a Headquatres Commissioner  particiapted in Annual General Body Meting  Udupi District Association of  Bharat Scouts and Guides Udupi. held on 25th  July 2017.
  11. The leader of District Level   Three day Agricultural Camp Organised  by Bharat Scouts and Guids  Karnataka Udupi District   at Farm House Kota.
  12. Participated in the National Seminar on TALA SAMUDAYADA SAMSKRITIKA SANCHAKLANA’ held at MGM College Udupi on 11-8-2018.
  13. Attende a special Lecture of Mr. Sainath on Rural Digital India at Udupi on 20-8-2018.
  14. Assistant Leader of the three day Rover Mate Camp held at    Camp  at District Training Center Pragati Nagar Manipal.
  15. Varada Athiti- (Guest of the Week) in MuktaTV on 15th Aug 2017.
  16. Assistant Leader at   five day State Level Adventure and Pioneering Camp held  at District Training Center Pragati Nagar Manipal.   27-8-2018 to 30-8-2018.
  17. Participated in  World Tourism Day  celebrated on 27 Sept 2017 organised by the Department of Tourism  Udupi District Government of Karnataka  held at Rajatdri Manipal.
  18. Rsl Dr. Jayaram Shettigar was the resource person on the Topic ‘Safty Measures  on Beach and Riverside”  in the Programme organized by NSS Unit of Milagres College Kallianpur on 20-9-2017.
  19. participated in Gandhi Jayanthi- All Faith Prayer and Cleaning Programme  October 2nd  in front of Gandhi Statue at Malpe Beach organised by the  Bharat Scouts and Guids  Udupi District  Association
  20. The resource person on the Topic ‘Basic Guidelines of the Camp”  at the Training Camp for Scout Master held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 10-10-2017.
  21. The resource person on the Topic ‘History of Scouting”  at Basic Training Programme for Scout Master held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 11-10-2017.
  22. The resource person on the Topic ‘Spiritual Dimension to Scouting”  at Basic Training Programme for Scout Master held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 12-10-2017.
  23. Participated as the resource person Valedictory programme of PRERANA a State level five day camp for Rangers held at  held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 11-10-2017.
  24. The resource person in the SURF SMART an inter collegiate training programme on Social Networking held at Kamala Bai High school Kadiyali
  25. Resource person Rover Ranger Camp and delivered a specila lecture on  Advancement in Rovering  held at  held at Dr. V S Acharya District Scout Guide Training Center on 17-10-2017.
  26. Participated as one of the guest in the District Rally of Scouts and Guids held at Barkuru on 6th & 7th January 2018.
  27. Trainer at Leadership Training programme prganised by Literary Club SMS College Brahmavar on 9thJan. 2018.
  28. leader of two Paryaya Service Camp at Udupi on17th &18th January 2018
  29. Delivered a special lecture on ‘Place Names of Karkala Taluk’ at Sri Bhuvanendra College Karkala on 8-2-2018.
  30. Took a session on WHAT AFTER SECOND PUC at Govt. PU College Udupi on 15th Jan 2018.
  31. ‘Yuvakareke sanghatakaraagabeku’ article published by PADMAPATRA a monthly magazine, Aug.2017.
  32. CAREER GUIDANCE CLASS for PU Students at Govt. Girls PU College Udupi 15th Jan 2018.
  33. Karavali Karnatakada Shaasanookta shettigararu’ article published by PADMAPATRA a monthly magazine, Jan. 2018.
  34. Resource person on CAREER GUIDANCE at Sri Duegeparameswari P U College Mandarti
  35. Resource  on Mangalore University Level Monuments Survey Competition held at Poorna Prajna College Udupi. Feb.2018.
  36. Organised COTPA Awarness programme for the students at Milagres college kallianpur on 20th Feb 2018.
  37. Resource person on the topic FREEDOM MOVEMENT IN DAKSHINA KANNADA  for  the  post graduate students at Post Graaduate and Research Center Tenkanidiyoor Udupi 0n 11th March 2018.
  38. Resource person on the topic MODERN  DAKSHINA  KANNADA  for  the  post graduate students at Post Graaduate and Research Center Tenkanidiyoor Udupi 0n 18th March 2018r
  39. Organized one day NATIONAL LEVEL WORKSHOP ON NAAC NEW METHODOLOGY AND QUALITY SUSTENANCE at Milagres College Kallianpur on 16th march 2018.
  40.  Organised Two Day Inter Institution HRD Training for young Teacher at Milagres Collge Kallianpur on 12th and 13th April 2018.



XIII. 2018-19

  1. As the Resource Person
  2. Participated as a resource person In the Information Course for Principals, RSL and RL organize by Bharat Scouts and Guides, Karnataka State at Bharat Scouts and Guides Auditorium Lalbagh Mangalore.
  3. Participated as a resource person in one day university level seminar on Gandhi and Making of Modern India organized by MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Association at Govt. First Grade College Kaup on 30th January 2019.
  4. Participated as a resource person in the State level Basic Training Pogramme for Roverv Scout Leaders held at Bharat Scouts and Guides District Training Centre Pragatinagar, Manipal
  5. Participated as a resource person in the State level Advanced Training Pogramme for Scout Masters and Guide Captains held  at Bharat Scouts and Guides District Training Centre Pragatinagar, Manipal
  6. Participated as a resource person in the Seminar organized on the occasion of ALUPOOSTAV, Organised by the Govt. of Karnataka, held at Barkuru Mula Samsthana, Barkuru on 26-01- 2019.
  7. Participated as a resource person in the Seminar organized on the occasion of ALUPOOSTAV, Organised by the Udupi District Administration on behalf of  of Karnataka, held at Smt Rukmini Shedti Memorial Govt, First Grade College Barkuru on 27 -01- 2019.
  8. Participated as a resource person in the State level Five Days Nature Study and Trucking programme organized at Shirsi Uttara Kannada District and he was also leader of that Camp.
  9. Participated as a resource person in the NSS Orientation Programme held at Dr. G Shankar First grade College for Women and Post Graduate study Center Ajjarkad Udupi.
  10. Participated as a resource person in the NSS Orientation Programmeheld at Sri Bhuvanendra College Karkala
  11. Participated as a resource person in the Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers at St Marys College Shirva.
  12. Participated as a resource person in the Orientation Programme for Rovers and Rangers at Dr. G Shankar  First grade College for Women and Post Graduate study Center Ajjarkad Udupi.
  13. Participated as a resource person in the Udupi District Level Rally of Scouts , Guides , Rovers and Rangers held at Trinity Central School Perampalli Udupi.
  14. Participated as a resource person in the Youth Day  Programme for NSS Volunteers, Rovers and Rangers at St Marys College Shirva.
  15. Participate as the resource person for IQAC SSR Prepartion at SMS College Brahmavar.
  16. Programme Organized:
  17. As a nodal officer of Dr Jayaram Shettigar ably guided thirty five students who successfully completed hundred hours Swachch Bharat Summer Internship (SBSI) programme and submitted its report to Mangalore University, Government of Karnataka and Government of India.
  18. Organized One Day Orientation on NAAC New Methodology for the members of Teaching staff in the AV Hall of the College. Dr Denis Fernandis St Aloysius College Mangalore was the Resource Person.
  19. Organized a Orientation Programme for the Final Degree Students in the AV Hall of the College.
  20. Organised Kallianpur Local Association Level Geeta Gayana competition for the scouts and guides of Kallianpur Region in which Scouts and Guides of 10 schools have participated.
  21. Organized Martyr’s day on 30th January 2019. In the SAV Hall of the College and delivered a special lecture on Gandhiji’s contribution to World Peace.
  • Paper presentation and seminar  participation:
  1. Participated and presented a research paper on “Gandhiji’s Harijan Tour in Mangalore” in the national level seminar on ‘Revisiting Mahatma Gandhi’s Thought in Post Independent India’ organized by Shri Kukke shubhramaheshwar college Subhramnya on 12-2-2019
  2. participated as the Resource person in the University level Seminar on “GANDHI AND MAKING OF MODERN INDIA” held at Government First Grade C Kaup.
  3. Participated in one day national seminar on ‘NAAC New Methodology’ at Milagres College Hampamnakatta Mangalore.
  4. Participated as an Assistant leader in the today Mangalore University level YOUTH MEET of Rovers and Rangers held at Dr. G Shankar First grade College for Women and Post Graduate study Center Ajjarkad Udupi
  5. Participated as the Chief Guest in the Annual Sports Meet at G M Vidyaniketan Public School Brahmavar.


XIV. 2019-2020:

  1. Programme organised
  2. Soft Skill Training Programme
  3. Staff Training Programme on Communication Skill :
  4. Training Programme on Teaching Technique for Young Teachers:
  5. One day software training for Teaching and Non teaching staff:
  6. Three Day Residential Training Programme for the students
  7. Innovation and Ideation Student Training Programm
  8. Entrepreneurship Skills Development Training Programme
  9. IQAC in association with NYK
  10. COVID 19- use of ICT – ZOOM Class:
  11. One day Faculty Developement programme on Google Classroom.
  12. . One day Faculty Developement programme on Google Classroom
  13. AWARD: Award: Shri Krishna Janmaastami Award by Shri Shri Vidyaadhisha Tirtha Swamiji of Paryaya, Shri Palimaru Matha, in the Programme held at Rajangana Udupi.
  14. Presented Paper- Resource Person
  15. Presented Paper on ‘Epigraphical Reference to Queens of Tulunadu’ at Rani Abbakka Ustava Held at University College Mangalore.
  16. Resource Person at Mangalore University Level Seminar on topic ‘Tourism in India, held at Shri Gokarnatheshwar College, Mangalore.
  17. Resource Person at Mangalore University Level Seminar on topic. ‘Debates in Indian History- Feudalism in India, held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.
  18. Resource Person at the State Level RL and RSL Conference Topic, ‘Advancement in Rovering and Rangering!



  1. 2020-21

Dr Jayaram Shettigar Individual Profile 2020-21

  1. Resource Person/Presentation:
  2. International Beach Cleaning Day Organised by Coast Guard Police Department Malpe, Udupi  Municipality and Bharat Scouts and Guides Udupi on 18-9-2021 at Malpe Beach.
  3. World Environment Day: “ Role of their students in the protection of environment” online lecutre on the occasion of World Environment Day at Government Higher Primary School Hangarakatte Udupi Dist. On5th June 2021
  4. State level Webinar organized by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College Autonomous  Ujire  Topic “Footprints of Freedom Movement in Ccoastal Karnataka on 14th August 2021 on Google Platform.
  5. President of the session ‘ Padmashali Sangeetha  Compitition organised by DK Dist  Paadmashali Vidyavardhaka Sangha on Google Meet on 18-7-2021
  6. Present presented a paper on ‘Tourism Path to Modernity” in the Webinar the programme organised by Mangalore University College Mangalore in association with Mangalore University College History Teachers Association MANUSHA on19.7 2021.
  7. Present presented a paper on “Changing Role of Museum in the Sustainable Development of Tourism”  in the Webinar  the programme organised by Mangalore University College  Mangalore in association with Mangalore University College History Teachers Association  MANUSHA on 20.7 2021.
  8. Resource Person on New Education Policy 2020 for the students of Milagres College Kallianpur on 07- 09- 2021
  9. Programme Organised:
  10. Indian Independence Amruta Mahostav Lecture on 16.9.2021. Topic  “Mylife is My Message – Mahatam Gandhi”  Resource person Dr P Ganapayya Bhat. At Milagres College Kallianpur.
  11. One day Faculty Development programme- Walking With teenagers: on 18th March 2020. Resource person Mr. Oliver  N Sutari .
  12. Deepalvali Celebration on 15th November 2020 in the college quadrangle.  Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca , the correspondent Milagres Educational Institution,  Mr nagaraj  Alumiani were Resource person
  13. One day Faculty Developement programme- Counselling Techniques Through Role Play on 25th May  2020,  Resource person Mr. Oliver  N Sutari
  14. International Yoga Day- online Programme As per the order of the Department of Collegiate Education Government of Karnataka, on 21st June 2021. 337 students and staff have participated in the programme.
  15. One day Faculty Developement programme on Google Classroom Platform on 12.01.2021.   Evan Gomes was the resource person.
  16. Training session on ‘Effective use of Social Media” : One day Training session on on 27-11-2020. Prof Elson Hirgana Associate Professor in Commerce St Agnes Autonomos College Mangalore was the Resource Person.
  17. Soft Skill Training for Students: One week soft Skill  training Programme for Final Year Students was hels from 7-12-2020 to. 14-12-2020.  Jaikishan Bhat, Adjunct           Faculty, Poornaprajna Institute of Management Udupi was the resource person.
  18. Soft Ware Training for Administrative Staff on 27-5-2020. Fr Evan Gomes a professional software trainer was the resource person.
  19. New Education Policy Video Screening  on  5th July 2020. Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca , the correspondent Milagres Educational Institution blessed  the occasion.
  20. Ten Days Faculty Development Programme from 30th July 2021 to 8th August 2021. Topic of the FDP is Recent Trends in Education, Technology and Management. In association with Government First Grade College, Kavoor. Mangalore,
  21. One day Staff Training Programme on Intellectual Property Right on 00-08-2012 Dr Richard Gonsalves The Director, DDU Kaushal Kendra,St.Aloysius Advanced Research Centre  Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru
  22. One day Staff Training Programme on Intellectual Property Right on 00-08-NAVEEN PRAVEEN MASCARENHAS Associate Professor in Dept of Computer Science, Application and Animation at St Aloysius College (Autonomous) sine June1995.
  23. ,Training Programme for the students of Milagres College Kallianpur on NEP 2020 on 07-09-2021






  • Webinar/conferences attended:


  1. Attended Webinar on NEP- New Education Policy  organised Shri Venkataramana Swami College Bantwal  on 23-9-2021
  2. Mass Vaccination Drive for  Covid -19 on 17- 9-2021. At Govt P U College Kelarkalabettu Udupi Taluk.
  3. Attended Webinar programme organised by Mangalore University College  Mangalore in association with Mangalore University College History Teachers Association  MANUSHA on 20.7 2021. Topic Contributions of  KV Ramesh to Historical Research
  4. Attended Webinar on New Education Policy 2020 organised by AMUCT
  5. Attended Webinar programme organised Shri Venkataramana Swami College Bantwal. Topic ‘Quality Enhancement  Techniques for NAAC Accreditation’  on 23-8-2021
  6. Attended Webinar programme organised by Mangalore University College  Mangalore in association with Mangalore University College History Teachers Association  MANUSHA on 28.8. 2021. Topic Material Heritage of Tulunadu.
  7. Attended Webinar programme organised by Mangalore University College  Mangalore in association with Mangalore University College History Teachers Association  MANUSHA on 14-8- 2021. Topic Contributions of  Tuluva History – Contributions of BA Saletore
  8. Attended Webinar on ‘Quit India Movement’  programme organised by Govinda Das  College Suratkal  on 9-8- 2021.
  9. Ten Days Faculty Development Programme from 30th July 2021 to 8th August 2021. Topic of the FDP is Recent Trends in Education, Technology and Management. In association with Government First Grade College, Kavoor. Mangalore,
  10. Attended an awareness Programme on  Seminar on CYBER OFFENCES   by district  police udupi, (cen police station)  on 15-12-2020.
  11. Training session on ‘Effective use of Social Media” : One day Training session on on 27-11-2020. Prof Elson Hirgana Associate Professor in Commerce St Agnes Autonomos College Mangalore was the Resource Person.
  12. New Education Policy Video Screening on  5th July 2020. Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca , the correspondent Milagres Educational Institution blessed  the occasion
  13. Ten Days Faculty Development Programme from 30th July 2021 to 8th August 2021. Topic of the FDP is Recent Trends in Education, Technology and Management. In association with Government First Grade College, Kavoor. Mangalore
  14. One day Staff Training Programme on  NAAC New Methodology  on 00-08-2012 Dr Richard Gonsalves The Director, DDU Kaushal Kendra,St.Aloysius Advanced Research Centre  Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru
  15. One day Staff Training Programme on on  NAAC New Methodology  on 00-08-Naveen P. Mascarenhas Associate Professor in Dept of Computer Science, Application and Animation at St Aloysius College (Autonomous) sine June1995



  • 2021-22
  1. One Day Staff Training Programme on Revised NAAC Manual.
  2. New Education Policy Information Session for First Degree Students.
  3. IQAC has organised Jala Shakti Mission Programme on 16-11-2021 in association with        Zilla Panchayat Water Board Udupi District.
  4. Martyrs Day:
  5. IQAC of Milagres  College Kallianpur has organised an Academic Collaboration and         Exchange programme with St. Mary’s College Shirva
  6. Femina Miss India Sini Shetty Visits to College
  7. Learning Symposium for Teachers.
  8. An Interaction with the Historian: Dr. Gururaj Prabhu:
  9. Visit to Historical S        ites – Barkuru, Mekkekattu and Mandarthi
  10. Inauguration of Renovated Milagrean Museum
  11. Azadi ka Amrith Mahotsav-Memories of Freedom Movement in Dakshina  kannada         District:
  12. Outdoor Activities.
  13. Thinking Day:Founders Day Programme.
  14. Paryaya Service Hore Kanike Camp  and paryaya Service Camp.
  15. Visit to Old Age Home:
  16. Museum Cleaning Programme:
  17. Monuments Protection Programme:
  18. Mass Covid 19 Vaccination organised in Udupi District.
  19. Beach Cleaning Programme:


XVI 2022-23


Dr Jayaram Shettigar Individual Profile 2022-23

  1. Head of Department of History
  2. IQAC Co-ordinator
  3. Staff Council Secretary
  4. Rover Scout Leader HWB
  5. B O E Chairman Mangalore University
  6. President MANUSHA Mangalore University history teachers Association
  7. Chairperson State Level Workshop on NEP Syllabus III and IV semester 21-10-2022
  8. Meeting with Dr Veerendra Heggade Dharmadhikaari Sri Keshtra Dharmassthala 22-10-2022 and  handed over  14th Century Stone Statue of Lord Veerabhaadra to Dr Veerendra Heggade.
  9. Event Coordinator YOUTH FORUM International Cultural Jamboree- Moodabidri Karnataka 18-12-2022 to 21-12-2022
  10. Participated in one day International Symposiumon CULTURAL INSIGHT on20-12-2022
  11. B O E Meeting Mangalore University 9-12- 2022
  12. Paddy Cultivation programme 10-12-2022
  13. Participated in one day International Symposium on Retail Tech 09-01-2023
  14. Guest of honour in TWO DAYS INTERNATIONAL ROCK ART CONFERENCE 26th &27th Dec 2022
  15. B O E Chair person – Meeting Mangalore University 10th to12th Jan. 2023
  16. Member BOS Mangalore Universuty
  17. Election Officer- BSG Karnataka Udupi District Association
  18. President MANUSHA, Mangalore University History Teachers Associatio