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Parent – Teachers Association Meeting was held on Tuesday, 21st February, at 3.00 pm in the Silver Jubilee Hall of the College. At the background of proposed visit of NAAC Team in March, 2023, to the College in the routine cycle of accreditations process this meeting was significant. Principal in his introductory remarks coined the importance of this association. He informed the parentsabout the NAAC team visit to the college and the peer team will meet parents of students to ascertain their feedback. Being one of the main stakeholders of the Milagres College, parents’ opinion will have more weight and significance” he told.

IQAC coordinator Dr Jayaram Shettigar outlined the Parent Teachers collaboration for the progress of any institution and its role always positive in the establishment of this Milagres institution. He conducted selection of office bearers of PTA as Mr Ganesh Mestha was unanimously elected as the President along with other office bearers and executive committee to support the team.

Dr Surekha Bhat, the Convener proposed vote of thanks to all who made it convenient to attend irrespective of short notice and requested them not only to be an important partner in the learning of their wards, but also in the continuous all round growth of Milagres College. Most of the lecturers were present and available for meeting the parents of their respective students. Mr Ravinandan Bhat PRO welcomed everyone and compeer the programme.

Immediately after the general meeting the core committee met and discussed various issues and constraints facing the students specially transportation issues in the light of traffic jam and inconveniences at the Santhekatte Junction. Principal assured an amicable solution will be found along with resolving other concerns in days to come. He also congratulated and thanked the President elect and all parents in the working committee.

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Parent Teacher’s Meeting held at Milagres College, Kallianpur.

The Silver Jubilee Auditorium of the Milagres College become the venue for the much awaited coming together of the parents of First Year students of B.Com  stream comprising A & B Divisions with their respective Lecturers, teaching them.

At 3.00 pm, on 5th August, 2022, the interactive session was given a start with prayer hymn by the students. The Chief Guest of the programme, Police Sub Inspector of Malpe Station Mr Shaktivelu, the correspondent of the College V. Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Principal Dr Vincent Alva, IQAC Coordinator Dr Jayaram Shettigar, Prof Sophia Dias, Vice Principal were escorted to the dais by Prof Shylet Mathias, Head, Department of Commerce.

Prof Clara Menezes extended a cordial welcome to all the distinguished guests especially the parents & guardians of students, who were gathered in large number.

Sub inspector in his keynote address, dealt upon various subjects. How young and tender minds of teenagers and youth are polluted and consequently mislead, by social media and excessive use of Mobile phones, the role of anti-social elements in ruining the careers, the role of vehicles especially two wheelers and its reckless driving risk the life, at times without a proper driving licence and practice and the role and responsibilities of parents to be careful and cautious in providing these facilities was highlighted with specific incidents in the past few days. He assured that the Police Dept always kept safety and care of children and women on its priority and advised parents to keep police informed of any sort of harassments’, abuse on these weaker section of the society and ensured details will be kept confidential, in the event of cases filed.

Principal Dr Vincent Alva, shared his special concern for these batches as they are the victims of the ill effects of Covid 19 epidemic, to miss classroom experience of learning, proximity to mobile for online studies and promoted without proper Examinations, tests etc. He expected the co-operation of parents and elders at home to bring them back on track by keeping a constant eye on their daily routine, especially ensuring their attendance to regular lectures. ‘Your sons and daughters are ours, while they are in the Campus and each student is a valuable person and their life, studies and career is our priority too’ he told. While continuing he insisted each parent to meet their respective Lecturers individually after the formal session to get the details. ‘By and large all are very good in this College, but a very small percentage is reckless and not serious, of course as teachers we make them fall in line in days to come’ he assured.

‘We gave much significance to character building, ethics, value education with knowledge and overall development of students in these temple of learning, the Milagrean Institutions’ V. Rev. Fr Valerian Mendonca informed the parents, who presided over the formal session. As a bird can’t fly with single wing, it needs both parents and teachers to be complimentary and collaborative in framing the future of youth. While referring the key note address of SI Malpe, Mr Shakivelu, Fr Mendonca continued ‘please don’t allow your children to be victims of vices, excessive use of mobiles, easy prey for mischief mongers by keeping a constant watch on your children on a day today basis’.

The formal session was meticulously compeered by Prof Melson DSouza, meantime PRO of the College, Mr Ravinandan S.T. shared some important information regarding NEP rules, and to conclude Prof Chaitra K proposed vote of thanks for making this interactive coming together a success. Senior students and NSS members extended a helping hand to the organisers.

All lecturers from the departments of languages, Economics, especially Commerce Section and with the Principal were available for personal meeting / interaction /consultation with parents and their respective children for one to one discussion and appraisal.

As a whole this meeting was the need of the hour to make understand the students, certain issues, an opportunity to parents to meet the Principal and teachers and most importantly an occasion to all the teachers to build a personal rapport to ensure the parents it’s a joint responsibility to nurture young minds at right directions, as many parents wanted to have such meetings more often at regular intervals.


Department conducted PTA meeting I BCA students. Principal addressed the parents. All the parents were present.

Venue: AV Hall


Participants: Parents of I BCA student